10 Apr 2010

Removal of sneaky ads

Filed under: News

Minor note – we’ve just discovered that this site may have been serving ads embedded in each post. Damn.

We mention this because they weren’t ads being served from our account (we don’t even have adsense accounts) – they were embedded in the theme the site is based on. Sometimes ads are embedded in sneaky ways, but this one we just overlooked as we filter out most ads, so we don’t usually see them. Anyway, the code has been removed now, so if any of you were seeing ads, hopefully they’re now gone. If they’re not – post a comment.

We don’t know if we’ll one day decide to start serving ads, we doubt there’s much money in it and we’re not running this site for profit. If we could get some sort of referral fee for the few sites we link to in the side bar, we wouldn’t complain, but that’s not why they’re there.

We apologise for any ads you may have seen – in the off chance you clicked on them, the revenue went to account pub-1715633612259706, which we mention because we think it’s a pretty lousy thing to do, along with hiding spam links in encoded bits of the page.

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