2 Feb 2010

Fresh finds!

Filed under: News

In the previous news post we outlined which articles would get posted if things went to plan, well, predictably, they didn’t.

On the plus side, we found another issue of White Dwarf that contains a battle report between Diggas and Muties, which we’ll scan in and upload when we get a minute.

Lastly, we’ve set about finding which Citadel Journals contained articles about GoMo. There’s a few we didn’t know about and which would have been included in issue 2 of Gubbinz, had the magazine succeeded.

On the modelling front there’s been some work going on to create models for and playtest a second human faction for GoMo. It’s obviously not done yet, but things aren’t going badly. Eventually we’ll be publishing the background, the rules and the models we’ve been using. Depending on what else happens we may even try to create a resin kit for making some of the vehicles (currently scratch built).

That’s all, guys.

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