27 Apr 2011

Gorkamorka in the MD/DC/VA area (US)

Filed under: News

Over on DakkaDakka deathwing is looking to start a GoMo campaign and extends an invitation to you all.

Greetings all. I have gotten bit by the Gorkamorka bug as of late and I was thinking it might be fun to start a campaign of like-minded folks who live in the above region. I think most people would be willing to drive a half an hour or so for a good game, so I am keeping the region fairly large. I am located in Greenbelt, MD, near College Park, and would love to meet local players, but again I have no problem with a little bit of driving.

I am looking to have games played at folks houses, mine included, and independent games stores. GW’s of late have been cracking down on independent models in their stores, so I don’t think they would tolerate Kromlech items, etc. I was thinking we could start some time in May. Any takers?
-Joey McGuire

He’s also looking for anyone interested in Nuclear Renaissance, Strange Aeons, or any Ganesha games.

If you’re interested, here’s the forum thread:

Looking to start Gorkamorka in MD/DC/VA area!

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