23 Mar 2010

Lemme get out my toolz..

Filed under: News

Today we’ve got some good news and some bad.

Let’s get the bad news out of the way first – if you’re using Firefox (or possibly other Gecko-based browsers), you’re probably not seeing this page quite as it’s supposed to look. For some reason, the background image doesn’t display for you, which rather breaks the theme.

We’ve got an idea what’s causing it (it seems to be to do with different background: css elements overriding each other) but we’re not really sure where to start in fixing it right now. We hadn’t noticed until now as we don’t use Firefox any more – we use Chrome, which we recommend to you also. It runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux and has excellent extension support. Enjoy.

Now, onto the good news..

Between us we speak several languages, but we’re not too good at writing in anything beyond English. As a result, this site is entirely in English, orkiness aside. We know there are GoMo fans out there who speak other languages, particularly German, but also Polish, Swedish, etc..

Well, as we now live in The Future™ it’s easy to translate stuff on the fly and relatively accurately. So much so that we simply installed a wordpress plugin to do it.

From now on you can translate content into any language offered by Google. It’s about 50 for now, which isn’t half bad. There’s a new link at the bottom left of each post that says “[Translate]”, clicking it will bring up a menu of languages. Go ahead, give it a shot – you don’t even need to reload the page!

Bonus bit of good news – the page controls have now been implemented. Back when we first built the site there wasn’t enough content for us to notice it was missing, but someone realised yesterday that there was no “older posts” button anywhere on the site. Now there is, so you can easily access older content, both on the front page and in the archives. Sorted!

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