1 Sep 2010

Out of Print Games page MIA?

Filed under: General, News

GoMo-croppedIt seems that the Out of Print Games page on the Games Workshop website has been hidden. This is perhaps intentional, but it’s far from a certainty, but it matters because it was the page distributing the rulebooks for GoMo.

Regardless of the intent, the page itself is still up and can be found here. We suggest you get the books from that page, rather than via the links below, simply because that’s what GW have asked of other sites.

There’s no guarantee the page will stay up though, so here’s direct links to the PDFs:

Da Roolz

Da Uvver Book

The obvious disclaimer applies – we did NOT create these documents, they’re subject to the GW terms of use. The following text accompanies/accompanied the files:

All the files are free to download but please be aware that all PDF files downloaded from this website are copyright Games Workshop and that you must abide by our terms of use policy when downloading and using our internet resources.

We hope we’re not going to get in any trouble over trying to make sure our readers have access to the rules of Gorkamorka. We just want people to be able to play this awesome game!

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