31 Dec 2009

Progress Update

Filed under: News

This site is still under construction, although lots of the grunt work is now done.
Currently the main road-block to progress is all these celebrations – Christmas, New Year and the associated parties and bank holidays.

Yeah, that sounds pretty lame but it’s a very real issue in this case as we’ve got several pieces of half-finished terrain that can’t be finished until some more spray paint arrives. Irritatingly the company we used to buy from has stopped selling most paint, instead launching its own line. That’s all well and good, but seeing as they don’t sell black, they’re useless. Who doesn’t sell black?!

Without black paint we can’t easily undercoat big pieces of terrain, but we’ve ordered some now from Monster Colors so with any luck it’ll be with us soon enough. Once that’s done we can put up some articles about making terrain. Also, with those pieces out of the way we should have space to start on some fresh stuff and get rolling with creating stuff for the site.

We’ve been working on some ideas for new factions for Gorkamorka. Currently playable factions are as follows: Freebootaz, Diggas, Gorkers, Morkers, Muties, and Rebel Grots. That’s six, including the expansion pack, Digganob, and the mob listing in Gubbinz, which might not sound too many, but consider that Necromunda had six gangs in its basic rule book, Mordheim had eight.

This is why we are attempting to add additional factions, although we don’t want to introduce any that require significant re-writing of the background text. We’re not planning on trying to shoe-horn in Space Marines, for example. Currently favoured factions are an additional ork faction, bringing the number up to four. Given that the game is primarily focused on orks, we don’t feel this is too daft.

To provide a middle ground between the hilarity of Gorkamorka and the more tactical play of Necromunda we are attempting to craft a human faction who play significantly differently from the Diggas.

In terms of where we’re up to at the moment, the background for the factions is in the early stages, the general mob structure is starting to take shape, and the models for each are becoming clearer.
When we eventually get things finished we’d like to release the rules, an example listing or two, and a modelling guide for each faction. Whilst the listing alone would be enough, we want to do a thorough job and give players a feel for each faction.

Included with that lot we hope to have some artwork and maybe a little bit of fiction to go with them. These will make up one component of the planned expansion “Da Skid”.

Who will play Da Skid? We honestly don’t know, other than ourselves. But given that Gorkamorka is one of our favourite games of all time, we would like to make sure that there is some decent fan-made content out there for it.

Our only concern is that GW will try to hassle us, which doesn’t seem that unlikely, given their reputation. Maybe we’ll not have any problems, we’ll see how it goes.

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