16 Sep 2010

Start of Q4 Progress Update

Filed under: News

Well hello there!

The site may seem a little quiet at the moment as most of the team have just started the academic year, whether undergraduates, masters, or PHD. Others, such as Depiff, are working full time away from tUGS HQ.

We just wanted to post to say that our silence is due to the work taking place on Ere Be Stuff. The Dust Rats are sitting at 90 – 95% completion and our other faction has gone from 10% to 45 – 50% in the last couple of weeks. We’re still writing at a feverish pace, we’re just not ready to publish lots of it yet!

There’s also models being worked on as Flamekebab recently acquired a large collection of original Gorkamorka stuff, including a Rebel Grot Big Lugga and a Cutta and is in the process of stripping lots of paint using a variety of methods. Midnight is working on some grots which she plans to sell, along with some of her other extra models. Matt is working hard on Ere Be Stuff, in between preparing mead for the 19th. The rest of the team have their various tasks, but we’re sure you’ll hear from them in good time.

Once things are a little more settled there’ll be more articles, battle reports, the usual really. Or perhaps one of the team will post something out of the blue. It happens every now and again, you know!


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