28 Sep 2010

Tagging articles

Filed under: News

There’s a feature of WordPress that tUGS currently doesn’t use – tags. Our posts are currently categorised, but they don’t have relevant keywords attached to them. This isn’t an oversight, it has been a conscious choice – we didn’t want to tag things until we had a decent number of articles. We’re now approaching a hundred posts on the site (this one is number 93) and the time has now come to begin tagging we feel.

Flamekebab has been posting the articles he has written on Reddit which has been getting us a reasonable amount of traffic, but searching for things on the site isn’t as easy as it should be and we hope that tagging things will make articles easier to find. If there’s any particular things you’d like articles tagged by, leave a comment to let us know.

On a side note, happy birthday to tUGS’ very own Matt, he’s 22 today and stuck at university working.

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