7 Aug 2010

We were using that!

Filed under: News

A bit of a non-GoMo post today, but don’t worry, it’s not a long one!

Putting together Ere Be Stuff requires a lot of teamwork and collaborative writing and the tool we use to accomplish this is primarily Google Wave which works fantastically. Plenty of people don’t “get” Google Wave, but we do and to us it’s invaluable. I couldn’t tell you how useful different kinds of scalpels are as to me they’re all just really sharp knives, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re put to good use all over the world every day.

Unfortunately for us, Google seem to be planning on closing Wave citing a variety of reasons although there is some speculation as to whether this is to free up the core Wave developers to work on their upcoming Google Me project.

We’re looking into running our own Wave server and other options, but in the meantime it’d be nice if some other people could support Wave. Head over to Save Google Wave and help us out, please?


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