Getting one article published in the old Black Library publications was something to brag about but two, well, that’s an elite club. Sadly none of us here at tUGS can lay claim to that honour. Stefan Fergus can though! Here’s his second article, Rebel Grot Pogo Stikks. If you missed the last one it was rules for Rokkit Paks. Quite a fan of double Ks, wasn’t he?
Arguably these rules need some balancing but the idea is a fun one. In fact David Cammack sent us some photos of his pogo stikkas a little while back:

Here’s what he had to say about putting them together:
Obviously one is the easy conversion of a Bloodbowl figure as suggested I think in the pogo stikk article in Gubbinz 1. The other 2 are scratch-built pogo stikks – made of thin plastic rod with wire wrapped around the base to make a spring and a cross-piece out of square-section rod. I used some old plastic Warhammer goblins and added the odd pistol and some stikk bombs (the very old small grenades off the first plastic orks from long before Gorkamorka). Pretty easy really.
Anyway, the rules can be found below:
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Tags: Rebel Grots
If YakTribe is going to be supporting Gorkamorka soon we’d better get a move on clearing out the old stuff from the archives!
This one is also from Gubbinz #1 and was written by Stefan Fergus. They’re the only rules approximating stormboyz GW ever published for Gorkamorka but not the only ones out there. They look fun in concept but paying D6 teef to repair them between games seems a bit on the harsh side.
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Tags: Orks
25 Jul 2014
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
The hardest part of the Gorkamorka Heritage Project has been tracking down the original authors of things. Back when lots of these things were written it was traditional to adopt orky monikors – a good bit of fun back then but a pain nowadays! Case in point this scenario was written by Grimtooth (of Grimtooth’s Gorkamorka Site) and it took a fair bit of sleuthing to track him down to get permission to relicense his work. We’re not always so lucky though and there were some extra bits written by “Bloodscent” that had to be rewritten from scratch. No one knows who they were let alone how to contact them!
Anyway, scenario time. This one harks back to an old videogame series of the era or maybe just the real thing: a load of vehicles in an arena smashing the proverbial out of each other while the crowd goes wild!
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This document was written by Tristån Erickson and with permission was edited by Benjamin Fox. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks
17 Jul 2014
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
David Cammack didn’t just write the one scenario – today we bring you another new one.
As before this one is from the Gorkamorka Heritage Project. It’s a bit of community archaeology effort – finding old work, getting in touch with the original authors and getting permission to gussy up the old work.
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This document was written by David Cammack and edited with permission by Benjamin Fox and Ross Graham. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks