27 Jun 2014
Filed under: Modelling
The new shiny Mek gunz have just been released and already people in the Gorkamorka community are already converting things with them.If you’ve not heard of them there’s four variants:
Kevin Rowland’s been at his workbench and come up with this beauty:
Pretty snazzy!
Tags: Rebel Grots
23 Jun 2014
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
Variety is the spice of life but Digganob only added three scenarios to Gorkamorka’s collection. Luckily for us there’s plenty more written by the community!
This scenario is another one from the Gorkamorka Heritage Project, salvaged from Archive.org’s vaults. It was written by Eren Kauptland (his nom de guerre for SEO reasons) but that’s about all the info there is. It was written at some point before 2001 but seems to have been salvaged from either a previous version of his site or an offline document.
Anyway, it’s a good opportunity to break out some fun terrain, or make some. It’s probably a wise idea to read up on the air speed velocity of small birds too.
Download PDF
This document was written by Eren Kauptland and edited with permission by Liam Davenport and Benjamin Fox. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. It also contains a diagram created by Benjamin Fox, covered under the license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun
11 Jun 2014
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
It’s been a long time coming but finally we’ve got some things laid out from the Gorkamorka Heritage Project. Strictly speaking it should probably be grouped separately though as it’s never been posted online before. We reached out to its author David Cammack (brother of Tim Cammack) and he’s kindly given us permission to license it. Here it is in the new template (with new fonts and graphics) for your enjoyment:
Download PDF
This document was written by David Cammack and edited with permission by Liam Davenport and Benjamin Fox. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks
2 Jun 2014
Filed under: Modelling
Every now and again we post a link to some new model or fun conversion bitz that have come to our attention. We’ve not been doing that lately though because in the time between tUGS’ founding and now there’s been a veritable explosion of parts. There’s still lots of gaps but in many areas you guys are spoilt for choice.
The problem is that there hasn’t been a central list of what’s out there. Not any more!
Our own Flamekebab has attempted to compile an exhaustive list on the subreddit wiki. In time we may host it on our server instead (with his permission) but for now you’ll have to head over to the page on Reddit:
Alternative models list
Tags: Diggas, Dust Rats, Feral Orks, Freebooters, Muties, Orks, Rebel Grots
14 Feb 2014
Filed under: General
A question that comes up time and again when wargamers are looking to get into Gorkamorka is this one:
Do I need to use the original trukk model or is the new “Ork Wartrukk” model okay?
The answer is really simple:
All models are fine.
It doesn’t matter if it’s the old trukk, the new one, or a piece of toast with a wheel at each corner. Smaller vehicles are easier to manoeuvre around the board and big ones offer more space for passengers.
In fact, on pages 46 and 47 of Da Uvver Book this picture can be seen:

“Some of the Games Workshop staff’s Gorkamorka mobs in all their glory. If you look closely at the models in this photo, you’ll notice many vehicle conversions and wacky paint schemes which might give you inspiration when you build your own mob.”
They’re all perfectly legal for play, whatever they’re made of.
As you’ve probably guessed by now – GoMo is not a very prescriptive game. It’s a WYSIWYG game (“What You See Is What You Get”) – warriors have to be modelled with their weapons and equipment, the same with vehicles. As long as the vehicle looks about right you’re good to go!
(It might be worth noting that movement speed doesn’t scale. A big trukk still moves six inches on gas engines just like a small one. As a result small vehicles will seem faster.)
Tags: Orks