Back in June we told you about a Gorkamorka tournament happening here in the UK – good news, it’s still on!


27th and 28th October, 10 – 6 at Warhammer World. If you want to take part you should sign up and confirm here.

With any luck some of us from tUGS will be there but it depends on whether we’re able to sort out transport down to Nottingham.

Sign-up thread

29 Aug 2012

Resin ork outlaw MC cuts

Filed under: Modelling

Remember Flamekebab’s Outlaw MC rules?

Well in the process of sculpting the cuts for his club he decided to do a set of five designs to make life easier for anyone else wanting to start their own Ork MC:

They’re standard Ork scale, resin, should fit with most things, although shoota arms might be a bit tricky on some of the ones that stick out a bit further.

You can find them over on Fox Box.

18 Jul 2012

Teef are not points

Filed under: Design Notes

I’ve read many different rules for GoMo over the years, some good, some bad, some just plain strange. I’ve talked about Doom Fortress Syndrome before and this post is a sort of follow up to that.

First off, most new Gorkamorka players will be encountering the game coming from 40K. This isn’t universally true of course, but it’s fairly common. Warhammer 40,000 and Gorkamorka are obviously very different games but there are also more subtle contrasts that really affect how one views the game systems.

In 40K one sets a point limit and builds an army list to that – 1500 points, 2000 points, etc..
Theoretically any two armies of the same point values should have approximately equal “value”, assuming one makes sensible choices. If one wanted to design a new unit one would draft some rules, set a point value, then see whether the value was about right in the context of similarly costed units from other armies.

Essentially it’s a matter of opportunity cost – if one chooses to field that unit what is one forgoing. There’s also the matter of how many points an enemy would have to expend to counter it.

In Gorkamorka people often try to use the same method and there’s the issue. Teef are not analogous to points. Mob rating is closer to it, but even then it’s not a perfect concept. Point values are set, teef values are fluid. At the start of a campaign everyone does receive 100 teef to spend but after that income mechanics come into play. Buying a new trukk isn’t just a matter of scraping together teef over a series of games, it’s making the choices to do that.

When playing it’s not a matter of “in three games time I will have enough”, it’s a case of “should I risk pushing forward or should I bottle out now?”. Models that go Out of Action don’t generally earn income, for example. Also for many mobs there are potential risks associated with earning income. Should you spend D6 teef to get one of your boyz patched up? Maybe he’ll end up with a powerklaw or a cybork body, or maybe he’ll just waste 5 teef and get a pegleg. If he ends up rather burly he could well turn the tide of the next game.

Teef cost contributes directly to mob rating and mob rating is used for balance. So if a new addition costs less than it should it will break the balancing mechanics mob rating exists for. This is why special characters add a certain number to mob rating when they’re hired (Da Krusher adds 35 for example).

Plenty of writers bear this in mind when writing rules but others don’t. I just wanted to mention it because I feel it’s something interesting to think about when trying to pick a number out of the air for a potential things.


Hand waving helps, I find.

20 Jun 2012

Gorkamorka players in Michigan?

Filed under: General, News

xav++ is looking for Gorkamorka players in the Tri City area of Michigan. If you’re not quite there then worry ye not, he’s willing to travel so the rest of the state isn’t off the table.

Here’s his topic on The Waaagh if you’d like to put a game together.

14 Jun 2012

2012 Gorkamorka Tournament

Filed under: News

Flash Git has proposed something rather special for Orktober this year – a tournament at GW’s Nottingham HQ. There’s a thread over on The Waaagh where you can have your say, or leave a comment on here and we’ll pass your thoughts along.

In short he proposes the following:

27th-28th October 2012 at Warhammer World
Sat 27th 10.00 to 18.00
Sun 28th 10.00 to 18.00

If you’re interested head on over and let him know. Let’s make this happen!

Forum thread.