ramshackle-games-pickup-truck-3As you probably know, we’re big fans of Ramshackle Games here at tUGS and we’ve just noticed that they’ve released something new that might be of interest to our fellow GoMo players.

As there’s no date on their new releases page we can’t tell you how long it’s been out, but it can’t have been more than a week or two. Either way, we think it looks rather good and would look great on the board alongside any other vehicles.

ramshackle-games-pickup-truck-4It’s a multipart kit made entirely from resin and the individual parts are available separately if you don’t want the whole model. If you need a decent set of wheels for a scratch-build you can find the wheels used on the pickup truck here.

It’ll set you back £10, half the cost of a modern Ork trukk, which isn’t bad.

Ramshackle Games Pickup Truck

Have a look around their site as they do a lot of other awesome stuff. Our playtesting vehicles for the Dust Rats use a lot of their parts for example (Speaking of those, another one is due to be unveiled as soon as Flamekebab has finished painting it).

The images in this article are taken from the Ramshackle Games site but are used with permission. Thanks, Curtis!

ramshackle-games-pickup-truck-1 ramshackle-games-pickup-truck-2

the-waaagh-forumIf you want to talk about Space Marine chapters or discuss the new Warhammer Island of Blood set then there’s plenty of likeminded people to chat with all over the ‘net. However, if you want to talk about Gorkamorka there’s not many places where there’s still active discussion.

This post is to draw your attention to The Waaagh’s Gorkamorka sub-forum, which has seen quite a surge in activity in recent months.

The sub-forum isn’t as active as some of the main sections of their site but as Gorkamorka-related topics go, it’s doing pretty well.

You’ll find topics debating how rules should be implemented, pictures and stats on mobs that people have put together, some nice terrain, and of course, friendly people. If you’ve got any questions about the game, need advice, have some tips, whatever, it’s welcome.

Even if you’re not interested in Gorkamorka itself, check out the rest of the site as there’s all manner of awesome stuff to be found.

The Waaagh’s Gorkamorka Forum

It should be noted that tUGS is not affiliated with The Waaagh and we have no control of what gets posted there. We just think the site is awesome and want to increase awareness so we have more people to talk to.

Squig Noshrok Grimskull has been in touch and shared some of the rules he used in his campaign of Gorkamorka detailing how a mob may hire squigs. As with most things the tUGS team writes, this document is licensed under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to share it.

Without further ado, here we present the rules as a PDF for your enjoyment:

Download PDF

Edit: A new PDF has been created using the more modern template.

These rules and artwork are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license.

16 Sep 2010

Start of Q4 Progress Update

Filed under: News

Well hello there!

The site may seem a little quiet at the moment as most of the team have just started the academic year, whether undergraduates, masters, or PHD. Others, such as Depiff, are working full time away from tUGS HQ.

We just wanted to post to say that our silence is due to the work taking place on Ere Be Stuff. The Dust Rats are sitting at 90 – 95% completion and our other faction has gone from 10% to 45 – 50% in the last couple of weeks. We’re still writing at a feverish pace, we’re just not ready to publish lots of it yet!

There’s also models being worked on as Flamekebab recently acquired a large collection of original Gorkamorka stuff, including a Rebel Grot Big Lugga and a Cutta and is in the process of stripping lots of paint using a variety of methods. Midnight is working on some grots which she plans to sell, along with some of her other extra models. Matt is working hard on Ere Be Stuff, in between preparing mead for the 19th. The rest of the team have their various tasks, but we’re sure you’ll hear from them in good time.

Once things are a little more settled there’ll be more articles, battle reports, the usual really. Or perhaps one of the team will post something out of the blue. It happens every now and again, you know!


painted-2When I was first starting out in wargaming I was 12, I didn’t have much money, nor did I have access to much in the way of materials. So today I’ve written a guide for my 12 year-old self, or anyone in a similar position, to get some cheap terrain on their board.

These hills are easy to make and about as close to free as it’s possible to get. They’re relatively sturdy but are also light-weight, which is hopefully a good thing.

You will need the following:

-Scrap paper
-Scrap cardboard
-Cardboard toilet rolls
-Some kind of tape (sellotape, ducttape, etc..)
-PVA glue or similar

You’re better off making more than one hill at a time as it seems to be virtually impossible to make a small amount of papiermâché glue. We made two, but that was mostly due to limited space and time. I may well make some more soon. A big thanks to Depiff for building these with me, always ready to lend a hand, it’s appreciated.



Step one: Make some papiermâché glue


Planning can wait until later – let’s get some raw materials on the go!
Heat up some water in a pan, it doesn’t need to be boiling, just kinda warm. Take a small amount of plain flour (other kinds probably work too) and drop it into the water.

I say “a small amount” because this is about ratio, not about mass. I used 100ml of flour which was far too much for this project. Try 25ml or 50ml. The water should be papiermache-goop-stirringfive or six times greater (i.e. 5:1/6:1) so 300ml water or 600ml, respectively.

You’ll need to give it a good stirring and perhaps add more water if it’s getting too thick, it’s all a bit trial-and-error!

A minute or two later you should have a goopy white/grey mass. Pour it out into a bowl and set it aside to cool for a few minutes, you’ve now got time to plan.





Step two: Planning

You’re going to have to establish the height of your hills and the general shape and size. The first hill Depiff and I made was going to be quite a tall one, although this was a little unintentional. The central plateau of it is 5.5cm tall, which doesn’t sound that tall but is deceptively tall for a small hill.

Draw out a basic outline, ideally with a model to hand for scale purposes. At the same time decide whether this is going to be a bumpy hill, a crag, a cliff, etc..




Step three: Support structure

The toilet rolls are going to be your support columns inside the hill. Draw a rough line around where you reckon the hilltop should be and compare it to a vehicle. As I mentioned a moment ago, that line is 5.5cm from the base.

Next up, flatten the roll and use a knife or some scissors to slice it into the relevant height. You’ll probably use multiple toilet rolls for this, but that’s just fine, the more support, the better.

Now you’re going to need that scrap card. It doesn’t need to be thick – card stock, corrugated cardboard, whatever really. These are going to provide structure for the papiermâché to cling too. Try to avoid sharp points as they’ll show up. Slice it into triangles and angled pieces and tape them onto the toilet rolls.




They don’t need to be particularly sturdy as they’ll get entangled with the papiermâché , holding them in place. The more you use, the more defined your structure will be. Some things can be fixed later, but it’s better if you have a vague idea of what you want your hill to look like before you start coating it.




papiermache-coating Step four: Papiermâché


Now comes the messy bit, which is why there’s not many photos – both Depiff and I had our hands covered in papiermâché glue and couldn’t really stop to take photos. You don’t really need much direction at this stage though – take a strip of paper, dunk it in the glue, drape it over the structure, repeat.


hairdryer-techniqueSome long pieces work well for establishing a basic structure, then smaller pieces can be used to add more well defined pieces.

To get the process done faster, use a hairdryer to dry the piece (as we so often do when building things). Once it’s relatively dry, add more papiermâché.

I would recommend doing this on a surface like a cutting mat – it can be picked up, rotated, and peeled away. We stuck our hill to it and then trimmed the scraggly edges.


Step five: Drying and basing

I’d recommend leaving your hill to dry overnight, unless you’re incredibly aggressive with the hairdryer. We tried to dry ours at a very rapid pace but it still took quite a while. The results weren’t bad though, so no complaints.


ready-for-paintingOnce it’s dry, dab on some PVA glue and dunk the whole thing in sand. Make sure you cover the entire thing as adding more glue later is irritating, but you knew that already.

Now you’ve got a choice – you can keep it as it is, covered in sand, or you can paint it. Personally I prefer my hills painted. It does have the advantage of holding the sand in place a little better, but it’s by no means compulsory.



painting (Optional) Step six: Painting

I undercoat mine with a dark brown, then give them a moderate dusting of a colour approximating Snakebite Leather, followed by drybrushing with a lighter colour.

I’m not going to say this is the definitive method as I am fairly sure I could have painted them differently to make them look better, but I’m not going to repaint them. They’re good enough for me!


Here’s the finished hills:


Do you like them? Do you hate them? Could you teach me how to do better?
Comment and let us know!