25 Jan 2015
Filed under: Modelling, Terrain
When Gorkamorka was first released the Necrons didn’t officially exist, although GW had toyed with the aesthetic in Space Crusade for their Chaos Androids. They’d been planned though and hidden amongst the artwork for Gorkamorka was something rather familiar to modern players…

It was several months after Gorkamorka was released before the Necrons were launched. By modern standards it was a pretty subdued affair – initially there were only Necron Warriors and Scarabs. As part of that release push there was this showcase article on some rather good Necron-themed terrain, complete with an in-progress Adeptus Paleologos dig site. It’s from White Dwarf 220 and features the work of Dave Andrews, Owen Branham, and Mark Jones.
Heads up for those on mobile connections and similar – the file is about 15 MB.
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20 Jan 2015
Filed under: Modelling
When digging through old issues of White Dwarf there’s more than just articles to be found. Every now and again there’s something hiding somewhere else that isn’t really worth documenting in the index but is too interesting to completely ignore. Here’s one of those little snippets:
It’s from White Dwarf 221, May 1998, so presumably the photos are from April, perhaps earlier. It’s a bit of a shame that they never released the Mutie steeds without saddles (as the photo shows the saddles were added to casts of the steeds). They’d have been handy for a bit of themed terrain, don’t you think?
Tags: Muties
18 Jan 2015
Filed under: General, Modelling
If you haven’t already you might find it fun to take a look at the Gorkamorka index. It’s based on work found on the (now defunct) GameHobby.net section “Exodite’s Gorkamorka Index“. The updated version over on /r/Gorkamorka’s wiki has some gaps in it but over time they’re being slowly filled in.
Today one more entry can be crossed off – Doc’s Serjery from White Dwarf 221. It’s only a single page but it does hold the distinction of being one of the only places the painted bioniks have appeared. Back when Gorkamorka was being sold these were sold in a mixed blister pack for £6 – about £9.50 adjusted for inflation!
GW did make bioniks for Orks before this (in 1992) but as far as we know none of those old parts were reproduced to create this line, despite being about the same scale. Anyway, if you’d like to see the sorts of things that were available back then (and why we praise Kromlech’s bioniks by comparison!) take a look at the single page PDF below.
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Tags: Orks
10 Jan 2015
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
About six months ago we posted the first of Eren Kauptland’s scenarios, Da Bridge, and hopefully you liked it. Today we’ve got the other one for you – Da Grudge.
If you’ve got a couple of mobs that are always at each other’s throats, well, more so than usual, this might be the one for you. Sticks and stones may break my bones but that’s nothing compared to a choppa to the face!
Much like its predecessor this scenario comes from the Gorkamorka Heritage Project. With any luck we’ll be able to clear out a load of the backload throughout 2015 and get cracking on all the amazing newer stuff that’s out there. Check out one of the forum threads that Flamekebab has created about the project to learn more – The Waaagh, Specialist Games, DakkaDakka.
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This document was written by Eren Kauptland and with permission was edited by Benjamin Fox. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks
30 Nov 2014
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios
Perhaps wherever you are it’s the most wonderful time of year but on Angelis… Well, are you a fan of Futurama?

Back in November 2006 a scenario was posted by fattdex and we’ve been planning on expanding it out into a full PDF release since about this time last year. We also saw that Ian Mackey had created the wonderful drawing of just the kind of character we were after and he graciously licensed the art under CC so we could include it. Well this year we managed to get everything to come together just in time for the start of December so hopefully some of you will get a chance to play it.
This scenario is for two players with Santa Klawz acting as a Notmob. There’s Elvz, explosions, and ever so much festive carnage!
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This document was adapted with permission by Benjamin Fox and Liam Davenport from a scenario written by Jayden Barr. Both this document and the original rules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 license.
The “Santa Ork” artwork was created by Ian Mackey and is also under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks