Now that the Dust Rat rules have been released, there’s a couple of other things we’d like give you.

We’ve created a basic set of Dust Rat Tagz to get you started. Eventually we’ll probably create an advanced pack, so if you have any suggestions, go post them in a topic about Tagz that Flamekebab created on several forums. Here’s the discussion topic for them on The Waaagh.



Basic Dust Rat Tagz – A4 PDF

Basic Dust Rat Tagz – US Letter PDF

Basic Dust Rat Tagz – raw image (PNG)


Confused as to what the hell we’re talking about? Go have a look at this post, all, or at least most, will be revealed.



If you need a blank grid for your tags you should also check out that post, but we’ll save you some time:

Blank Grid A4 PDF
Blank Grid US Letter PDF
Blank Grid raw image (PNG)

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There’s a number of things post-battle to be dealt with. Here we’ve got them listed together, although in the finished work they’ll probably be split over several sections. Hopefully you can see how they fit together.

Returning from Deployment


Dust Rat Income

After each engagement Dust Rats usually return to base, or at least the nearest outpost. Their CO will spend the time liaising with his chain of command and being briefed on further operations, whilst the Veteran will make sure the unit’s needs are met, procuring ammunition, fuel, and rations. Grunts and Planks are not without responsibility as income is their burden; the precise nature of the work varies but they are always kept busy – armed men with too much free time cause trouble. The tasks assigned to them vary from guard duty, maintenance, training, or whatever is needed. This allows them to not only earn a little scrip for themselves, but to ensure the unit is not seen as shirkers. Those who contribute are rewarded, those who don’t must make do.

Grunts and Planks who are not seriously injured after a game will provide income for the unit, Officers and Veterans will not. Each Grunt earns D6 teef, whereas Planks only earn D3 teef. Income is also available from ‘Ardboyz Bonus (see page 65 of Da Uvver Book) – a unit punching above its weight needs to be encouraged after all!

Income should be put through the chart on page 65 of Da Uvver Book ("Collecting Teef") to indicate how much profit remains after upkeep costs have been paid.


Field Hospital – Rules for Serjery on Squishy Oomans.

The Dust Rats have a medical corps who serve a vital function in keeping the units fighting fit and on their feet. While not as fraught with danger as a trip to the Dok in Mektown, the relative frailty of a human is a factor when it comes to bioniks. The human skeleton will just not stand up to the kind of punishment that an Ork can at the hands of their crazy sawbones.

If you wish you may send any members of your mob who have serious injuries in for surgery after a game. This will cost D6 teef, regardless of the result, which is then added to the warrior’s total cost on the roster sheet.

The following procedures can be carried out:

1. Resupply and Rearm – For arm wounds.

2. On Your Feet Soldier – For leg wounds.

3. Jarheads – For head wounds and warriors who are blinded in one eye

4. Searchin’ for Shrapnel – For chest wounds and old battle wounds.

Select one and then roll on the Prep the OR table.

Once a warrior has had surgery on a serious injury he will not be able to have the same body part tended to again for fear of causing further complications. Dust Rats are tough, but they’re not that tough.

As bionics fitted to the warrior still remain under the jurisdiction of the Medical Corps the boys in Engineering and the Armoury are forbidden from doing any work on them. Whilst it is possible they could be improved, it would pose a serious risk to the patient’s health that is simply not acceptable.

This isn’t to say that the Medical Corps work is always perfect. Problems do happen and when they do extra resources are set aside to fix the problem. Should a warrior have to roll on the Complications! table then it is not permanent, assuming the Rat can make it back to base after their next battle for corrective surgery (this functions in the same way as Corrective Serjery, see page 79 of Da Uvver Book).

Prep the OR

1. Experimental Surgery – The Rat is pretty badly mangled by his injury and the doctor is improvising by the skin of his teeth to try and save his life. It works, but at a cost. Refer to the Complications! Table to see the after effects of the new technique.

2. Physical Therapy – The procedure has succeeded but the Rat is going to need some time to get back in shape from the truly tough surgery. Functions as Da Patient is Restin’ (see page 79 of Da Uvver Book).

3. Carry On – The Rat has gone in for surgery but as a result of limited supplies, swapped charts or just being worked on by a junior surgeon, a different treatment has been applied. Roll D3 to determine which of the remaining types of surgery he has undergone instead.

4-6. Ready for Deployment – The Rat is back on his feet and raring to get his revenge on the ones who forced him under the knife. Refer to the appropriate table for the results.


Resupply and Rearm – Arm Wounds

1. Stumped – In order to prevent infection and save his life, the doctors have amputated the soldiers arm. He suffers -1 WS and cannot hold a weapon in that arm. A warrior with both arms "Stumped" is retired.

2. Neuro-prosthetic – The Rat has had a neurally interfaced prosthetic fitted. It is treated as having a perfectly normal arm but he must pay a 1 toof maintenance cost between games. If he cannot pay, he cannot participate in a battle until it is paid.

3. Fire Support Plate – The surgeon has replaced the arm with a bulky plate that can be used to stabilise a weapon being fired, giving +1" to the short range of the weapon. In melee, it functions as a club at User Strength. The warrior cannot hold a weapon in this arm.

4. Gas Powered Grenade Launcher – The prosthetic has been designed for combat by the armoury, incorporating the barrel of an old grenade launcher. As a result he can throw grenades +2" further than normal and may reroll his first failed roll to prevent Stikkbombs Wild! coming into effect (see page 47 of Da Roolz). A full turn is required to refill the gas chamber before it be used again. The warrior cannot hold a weapon in this arm. In hand to hand combat, the barrel of the launcher functions as a club at User Strength.

5. Microfibre Muscles – The Rat has been equipped with microfibre implants in his muscles. The warrior gains +1 Strength.

6. D.E.W. Gauntlet – The Rat has been given an experimental weapon which functions as a D.E.W. Pistol. He can also hold a melee weapon in his hand without issue as the lasgun emitter is fairly flush with the palm of the hand but he cannot use both weapons in the same turn.


On Your Feet Soldier – Leg Wounds

1. Hobbled – The medical staff couldn’t save the leg and have fitted a simplistic prosthetic. The warrior loses -1" from his Basic Movement.

2.-3. Neuro-prosthetic – The Rat has been given a fairly advanced prosthetic and his leg wound is gone. However, he must pay a 1 toof maintenance cost to keep the fairly intricate device working after each fight. If he cannot pay, he is not allowed to participate in the next battle until the maintenance cost is paid.

4. Microfibre Muscles – The warrior has been upgraded with microfibres that increase his muscle power and endurance. He gains +1" for his Basic Move

5. Rifle Leg – Another experimental option that was first successfully used on a female Rat some years ago. The warrior gains a Carbine in his leg and can sacrifice his movement to fire it in addition to any guns he is carrying in his arms.

6. Experimental Cocktail – Faced with ever more challenging surgeries, the doctors have tried a new therapy of combined drugs and surgery. As a result, the soldier gains +2" to his Basic Move and +1 Initiative.


Jarheads – Head Wounds

1. Shellshock – The surgery has left the soldier with a phobia. At the start of each of your turns, roll a Leadership test. If the warrior fails, he is automatically Pinned. This Leadership test can be affected by the Show Some Backbone!! skill.

2. Metal Plate – The warrior’s head wound is repaired thanks to a heavy metal plate and some interesting scarring.

3. Eye Scar – The warrior has a deep slash over one eye and looks much more grizzled after the surgery, gaining +1 Leadership in the process.

4. Sharpened Instincts – Whatever rewiring has gone on during the healing process has given the soldier sharpened senses. He gains +1 Initiative.

5. Reckless – The warrior has had his sense of fear impaired as a result of the surgery. The model is no longer subject to the Pinning Rules and ignores the effects of Fear. Terror still affects him normally.

6. Tac Helmet Visor – The Rat has been equipped with a modified visor from a tactical helmet. He gains +1 BS as the visor marks targets for him.


Searchin’ for Shrapnel – Chest Wounds and Old Battle Wounds

1. Waiting Room – Just as the surgeon was about to start, another more serious casualty came in and the warrior was forced to wait. Roll on the Serious Injury Table, ignoring Dead and Captured but NOT Bitter Enmity. The extra wait can still instil a serious grudge.

2. Internal Injuries – The warrior has suffered internal injuries that only time can heal. He loses -1" from his Basic Move and -1 Toughness.

3. Stimm-injector – The warrior has had an implanted auto-injector put into his chest and can once per battle give himself a shot of adrenaline during his turn. This gives him +1 WS, +1 BS and +1 Toughness and he is no longer subject to pinning until the start of his next turn. This can only be used once per battle then it must be reloaded with the appropriate cartridge. There is no additional maintenance cost for refilling this between battles. These boosts override the normal fixed maximum statline for a Dust Rats.

4. Chem-inhaler – The warrior has had an inhalant mask attached to aid his breathing and can choose to give himself a dose of painkiller in battle during his turn. This removes 1 Flesh Wound from the warrior and additionally provides +1 Toughness to the model until the start of its next turn. This can only be used once per battle and then it must be reloaded with the appropriate cartridge. There is no additional maintenance cost for refilling this between battles. This allows a model to briefly exceed the maximum stated Toughness for a Dust Rat model.

5. Scar Tissue – The warrior is successfully healed but he has a mass of extra scar tissue on his torso which is numb to all sensation. He gains +1 Wounds.

6. Super Soldier – Experimental medicine has given the Rat greatly improved physical attributes. He gains +1 Toughness, +1 Initiative, +1 Attack and his choice of +1 to WS or BS.



1. Torn Stitches – The warrior accidentally tears his stitches and immediately goes Out of Action.

2. Oxygen Deprivation – The Rat became hypoxic during the surgery and is suffered minor brain damage as a result. He needs another model within 2" to remind him that he’s fighting in a battle or he cannot run or shoot. HtH applies normally as the primal parts of the brain aren’t really affected.

3. Diminished Capacity – The surgery was successful enough but some of the Rat’s organs are damaged and do not function as well as a result of the surgery. He suffers -1 Toughness.

4. Twinges – The warrior suffers painful twinges from damaged nerves. He suffers -1 Initiative.

5. Giving him Gyp – The warrior suffers pain from his surgery and gains an Old Battle Wound.

6. Fungal Infection – The warrior has gotten ork spores in his wounds and as a result, small fungus grows all over him. He suffers -1 Leadership and is prescribed a special cream.



Dust Rat Vehicle Repairs

Dust Rat vehicle repairs and customisation work in precisely the same way as for Ork mobs, as described under "Getting It Fixed" (Da Uvver Book, pg 53) and "Da Mekboy’z Workshop" (Da Uvver Book, pg 71) respectively.


Dust Rat Weapon Customisation

Dust Rat mobs may get their weaponry customised in the same way Orks do (as described in "Da Mekboy’z Workshop, Da Uvver Book, pg 71). Admittedly they don’t go to Mektown for it, but for all intents and purposes the rules work the same.



Not all Gubbinz may be mounted on all Dust Rat vehicles; the following limitations apply:
Bikes may not take Extra Armour, Bullbar, Loadsa Ammo or Scrap Magnet.
LRVs may not take Scrap Magnet.
SSVs may not take Advanced Suspension.


Dust Rats and Other Mobs


Humane Treatment of Prisoners – Dust Rats With Captives

Prisoners have value to the Dust Rats, but mainly only for the information they can provide, after which point they become entirely expendable. Any warriors captured by the Dust Rats will be taken to the nearest outpost for interrogation before being summarily executed. Warriors interrogated in this way may well give away some very useful secrets for which the capturing mob will be handsomely rewarded with 2D6 teef.Similarly vehicles will be towed back, dismantled, and their parts repurposed or melted down (yielding 3D6 teef, as detailed on page 54 of Da Uvver Book). The enemy mob gets a single chance to rescue their warrior or vehicle, after which their fate is sealed.

Name, rank, serial number… – Dust Rats As Captives

Should a Dust Rat fall into enemy hands there are several things which can happen, depending on the captors. Muties will execute the hideous smoothskin, seeing everything they have lost in the captive, similarly captives taken by Rebel Grots will never be seen again (see pages 75 and 51 of Digganob, respectively). Diggas will hand the captive over to Da Wrecker, as detailed on page 27 of Digganob. Orks may force captured Dust Rats to work in their mines, just like any other captives (see page 65 of Da Uvver Book).

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Welcome to the final week of Orktober. We’re going to be releasing the last of the Dust Rat rules in the next few days, and then a summary post to make it easier to find all the pieces.

The first part of these campaign rules can be found here.

Dust Rats in Campaign (continued)

Dust Rat Experience

Dust Rats gain experience just like other mobs – for surviving, kicking ass and doing other things that require nerves of steel. Each Dust Rat has a different starting level, representing the experience they have prior to joining the unit. Please note that this doesn’t give them stat upgrades or skills, those are earned through additional experience earned during their time in the unit. For example, a Grunt may start with 34 experience points but will not gain an upgrade until he reaches at least 41 experience points.

Type of Warrior

Initial Experience Points

Commanding Officer








Dust Rats get all the normal Underdog and Experience bonuses that other mobs get. The table below indicates when a Dust Rats has earned enough experience for a roll on the Dust Rats Advances Table.

Exp. Points









Starting level for Planks






Starting level for Grunts. Planks who reach this level become Grunts.








Starting level for Veterans.



Starting level for Commanding Officers


Sergeant at Arms


Staff Sergeant


Gunnery Sergeant


First Sergeant


Master Gunnery Sgt.


Sergeant Major












Warriors who reach this level may not advance any further.


Dust Rat Advances

Advance rolls should be made after a battle so both players can witness the result. Roll 2D6:

2D6 Result
2 Know-wots. Choose any of the skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.
3-4 Know-wots. Select one of the standard skill tables for the mob and randomly generate a skill from it.
5 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks
6 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS
7 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Initiative;
4-6 = +1 Leadership
8 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 BS; 4-6 = +1 WS
9 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Wounds;
4-6 = +1 Toughness
10-11 Know-wots. Select one of the standard skill tables for the mob and randomly generate a skill from it.
12 Know-wots. Choose any of the skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.


The maximum statline for a Dust Rat is listed below, just as with other mobs, if a characteristic increase would take the warrior above the maximum, the other option is raised instead. If the other one is also maxed out, you may choose one other to increase by 1.

Max Value M WS BS S T W I A Ld
DUST RAT 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 9


On a roll of 3-4 and 10-11 on the Advance Table a Dust Rat gains a skill, the table below indicates which skill lists they may choose from. On a roll of 2 or 12 they may ignore the table’s restrictions.

  Muscle Ferocity Driving Cunnin’ Dakka Odd Tactical
Veterans N Y N Y Y N Y
Grunts N N Y N Y N Y
Planks N N Y N Y N N


Tactical Skills

1. Spotter
A warrior with this skill may choose to sacrifice his shooting to spot for a friendly model within 2". If he does so, the affected model’s weapon is given +1 to hit modifier regardless of range, on top of any modifiers the model may already incur for this shot (short or long range, positives or negatives, cover, large target, etc). This represents the warrior assisting a fellow comrade to increase the precision of his marksmanship. so instead of an increased short range, this may be substituted for a +1 to hit modifier when the affected model is shooting. Long range remains unaffected.

2. Ghillied Up
The warrior has learnt to blend into his surroundings through camouflage and field training. If an enemy model wishes to make a ranged attack against the model and the distance is 12" or more then a -1 to hit modifier applies. The warrior must be on foot to receive this bonus, and it is not affected by being Pinned or Down.

3. Show Some Backbone!
(Commanding Officers only) Any model within 6" of the warrior may roll an extra D6 when taking leadership tests for psychology (including headwounds) and choose the two lowest scores. This only applies if the CO is not down or pinned.

4. Field Medic
The warrior has been "promoted" and is now the unit’s medic. He may sacrifice his entire turn to tend to a friendly model who has a flesh wound or is Down. On a 5+ the warrior successfully patches them up. Down models stay Down but if they roll a Flesh Wound in the recovery phase they get back up (without a flesh wound), although they can still go OoA on a 6, as it’s not guaranteed – this ain’t field surgery!

The warrior has a sixth sense for incoming enemy explosives and has learnt to take cover when he gets that feeling. Takes effect during the enemy shooting phase. Once the enemy has chosen the location to throw his grenade/stikkbomb, (assuming the warrior is in the affected area), he may take an initiative test to avoid being hit. If passed, the warrior moves D3" in a random direction determined by the scatter dice. Then the enemy throws it as normal, working out if it hits or scatters as normal.

6.Suppressing Fire
The warrior has mastered pinning enemies using firearms. If he chooses, the warrior may sacrifice his turn to pin down one enemy warrior within range. Roll to hit as normal to determine whether an ammo roll is required, but disregard the result otherwise. The chosen enemy model may not move or shoot this turn. If they become engaged in hand to hand they will fight back as normal, and frenzied models may not be pinned in this way. This skill may be used on Orks, even though they are normally immune to pinning.


Notes On Skills

Dust Rats benefit from skills exactly as they are written in Da Uvver Book. The one exception is Well ‘Ard (Ferocity skill) – as stated in the skill description, only Orks may have this skill, so Dust Rats must re-roll if they get this result.

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23 Oct 2010

Kromlech’s ebay store

Filed under: Modelling


For those of you who are interested Kromlech have opened a store on eBay so you can buy directly from them if you so choose.

UK eBay Store

US eBay Store

(Either link should work worldwide, it’s more that the UK one will list the price in pounds too)

There’s also talk of some more Orc War II stuff.

There’s quite a lot to cover in the “in campaign” section, so we’ve split it up over several posts. Still to come are the rules for Dust Rat experience and skills, their income, and the other sorts of odds and ends that need to be covered.

Dust Rats in Campaign

Dust Rat Vehicles


As Dust Rat vehicles are allocated to field units rather than owned by them, certain things work a little differently from Ork vehicles.


Fixer Upper Vehicle Permanent Damage Result


The Fixer-Upper result does not work the same for Dust Rats. Should they bring one of their vehicles back in such a state then the boys at the motor pool are not going to be best pleased, so much so that both the vehicle’s driver and gunner (who bought the gun after reading the saltech ammo review on Stratit Safety & Security DBA Practical Tactical) must also miss the next battle to create a bit of good will in order to avoid losing access to their transport. They will be available for income purposes at the end of the battle, after they’ve made sure there’s enough tea to go around and the floors are swept, of course.


Fitting Gubbins

Getting customisations done on a vehicle isn’t too tricky for most Dust Rat units, but COs have been known to trade their ration coupons to be bumped up the list, parts have been shipped to the wrong workshop and occasionally the wrenchheads are still too blind drunk from the illicit still they run out of an old LRV radiator. As such the Digga rules for this apply to Dust Rats precisely as detailed under “Fitting Gubbins” (pg 18 – 19, Digganob).


Finishing a mob


After many years of loyal service and a bundle of successful missions under their belts, units are often retired or broken up to form new units. The CO might go on to join the ranks of the High Command, lending his field-learned expertise to the planning of future endeavours. Veterans might retire to a more civilian lifestyle or be given young charges of their own to hone into fine young soldiers. Grunts routinely transfer between units when there is a need for extra manpower on certain missions.

There are even rumours that sometimes, when a unit has performed very well that they effectively disappear. These units become black ops, doing the dirty work that’s too difficult, too specialised or just too damn unsavoury for the rank and file to do or even know about. Should a Dust Rat mob be foolish enough to go rogue, the first thing they’ll know about how Command feels about it is the sound of a knife slitting their tent open at night…

Once your mob reaches a rating of 400 it’s time to recruit a fresh Dust Rat unit and venture forth in search of adventure.


Leadership Challenges: “I demand satisfaction!”

If a Grunt in a Dust Rat unit ends up with a higher Leadership score than the CO a leadership challenge will be issued. The Grunt feels he is a natural leader, easily superior to the unit’s current one, and his firm feeling of loyalty to the unit compels him to attempt to assume command. This is one of the few times that hand to hand combat is seen within Dust Rat society as these challenges are fought with rapiers in accordance with tradition. Every officer receives formal training in hand to hand combat for this very purpose – an officer is a gentleman after all and must be able to defend his honour should the need arise. A challenge is not something to be taken lightly and it is not unheard of for the challenger to attempt to back out after laying down the gauntlet so it is the responsibility of one of the settlement’s enforcers to ensure they do not escape.

Originally such duels were fought until one of the participants was mortally wounded but over time it came to be seen as a waste of able-bodied men, resulting in the creation of the modern duelling code. Both warriors fight until one draws blood and is declared the winner, regardless of how minor the wound is. If the challenger is victorious then they will be immediately be required to enter officer training, assuming responsibility for their unit upon successful completion. Should the CO win then the challenger will be assigned hard labour as a punishment for insubordination, before being returned to their unit, perhaps a little wiser.

To fight a duel, place both models in base-to-base contact and work out a round of hand-to-hand combat. Neither warrior may use any of their normal equipment, instead they are both given a sword for the duration of the duel. Neither model counts as charging. The first model to inflict a wound is declared the winner. If a warrior goes out of action they are required to roll on the Serious Injuries table as normal, but treat results of “Captured” and “Bitter Enmity” as “Full Recovery”. A result of “Gobsmacked” does not give anyone any income – Dust Rat teeth have no inherent value!

If the challenger wins then he has proven his abilities and is now the permanent CO of the unit and is called in for immediate training, missing the next game. Losing will result in the challenger missing the next game while he learns the error of his ways.


Driver and Gunner Disputes

Once a member of the squad has established himself as a vehicle’s driver, or claimed ownership of a fixed weapon, it’s rare for them to be willing to give up their position and the prestige it carries. However, just because it’s “theirs” doesn’t mean another member of the unit couldn’t do the job better, but they’re not going to just slug someone over the head like greenskin savages, that’s not the way things are done by civilised people (and the MPs would have them banged up in the brig before they managed a second swing…). If you wish to change who drives a vehicle or mans a fixed weapon, a dispute must be resolved as described below.

Drivers traditionally favour the hands on approach and so disputes are settled in one of the many boxing rings found throughout the base. The warriors go toe to toe for three rounds, whoever is still standing at the end takes the wheel when they’re next deployed. In terms of rules, the two warriors fight in hand to hand combat, best out of three. Going down does not put them out of action, but it does lose them the round, and flesh wounds carry over between rounds. Neither warrior counts as charging and serious injuries cannot be inflicted by losing. Three rounds means best out of three, so if one warrior loses twice in a row, there is no point in playing a third round.

Gunners prefer a little more showmanship via a live-fire course. It is always better to have guns from to join a course.Each course is a little different, but generally they take they take one of three forms; a static pistol target range, an enclosed rifle course, and a grenade range. The first is tackled using service revolvers, the second with a standard issue carbine, and the third using frag grenades. Each warrior takes on the course on his own, comparing scores at the end. Roll a D6 to determine which course the two warriors are going to take on.

1 – 2

Sidearm Proficiency
The pistol section has two targets, worth a point each. Warriors may either take two individual shots, gaining one point per target, or use the revolver’s sustained fire dice to rattle off a few shots at once, spreading their hits. Should they take out both targets in a single volley they gain an extra point, but if they fail then they are capped at a single point for the round.

3 – 4

Room clearance
The carbine area involves three targets. The first is at the other end of a corridor, the shot being taken after moving (running and firing is acceptable if the warrior has Hipshoota), the second target is at long range, the third is at long range and moves, effectively appearing/disappearing. In game terms this means three shots, the first taken at no penalty (or +1 to hit with Hipshoota), the second at -1 to hit, the third at -2 to hit. The first two targets are worth one point, the last is worth two.

5 – 6

Mr. Grenade is not your friend
Finally there is the grenade range, in which multiple targets must be taken down using a couple of frag grenades (It used to be HE grenades but the range master was starting to get rather irritated with the craters he kept finding). Two groups of two targets are arranged side by side, providing four targets in total. Between the two targets in a group there is 1″ of distance and the two groups are 3″ apart. Arrange them however you like. Each warrior gets two frag grenades to throw at the targets 6″ away. Each target is worth 1 point and there is a bonus point for each group, if both targets are taken out in one blast.

Once resolved, whoever has the most points takes on the job of gunner, the newcomer ignoring the mutterings of “fluke…” from the previous holder should he win.

It should be noted, both of these contests usually take place with an audience of both service men and civilians, these events being highlights of the week for the base’s community. By the time a Dust Rat is old enough to compete in such a challenge he will have seen countless others, quite possibly with his father by his side.


Death of Warriors and Vehicles

The rules for Ork warriors and vehicles apply just as described in Da Uvver Book: in the event of death all the warrior’s equipment and weapons are lost, similarly all a vehicle’s gubbinz and its fixed weapon are destroyed with it (pg. 69 – 70 of Da Uvver Book).


Death of a Commanding Officer

Should the unthinkable happen and your Commanding Officer ends up KIA your unit must hire a new CO at the earliest opportunity. This works slightly differently from hiring other mob members in that the cost is deducted from income rather than profit. Dust Rat units must be led by a commissioned officer and as such a new one will be assigned as soon as is feasible. In the event of a unit not earning enough income to afford a new CO their Veteran will temporarily take command. If there is no Veteran, the Grunt with the highest leadership will step up (if there are several with the highest leadership, the one with the most experience is chosen).

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