139bIf you’ve ever even flicked through the pages of Da Uvver Book you’ll know that having a fort is one of the best things about Gorkamorka. The original game came with a cardboard one but that’s really more of a stop-gap until the glue has dried on the one on the workbench, ain’t it?

Originally from Citadel Journal 27 this article was primarily credited to Gary James, the founder of Terragenesis. There’s even a link to their old URL – altdorf.com/terragenesis

Of course that particular domain is long gone these days. Terragenesis is still accessible and the two forts featured in the original piece still have articles there with even more photos:

Gorkamorka Fort 1 (by Nikki, James, and Minkus)

Gorkamorka Fort 2 (by Mark and Stunty)

It was also republished in Gubbinz bundled with an article from White Dwarf 215 entitled “Mektown Madness: Markus’ Fort”. We’re working on getting hold of that article separately (the CJ article is reproduced identically in Gubbinz).

Download PDF

4 Apr 2013

Get Da Mek

Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Written by Josh Wardle and found in Gubbinz #1 this scenario apparently managed to escape being published so far. Well that’s just not acceptable!

This is one of very small number of scenarios that use the “Da Rolling Road” mechanic. We should probably write a few more of those at some point.

Anyway, here’s the file:

Download PDF

(image by bushie licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Generic 2.0 license)

The next GoMo tournament is now setup and ready to go. It’s happening on a weekend again, the 23rd and 24th February 2013 at Games Workshop’s Nottingham HQ, Warhammer World.

Flash_Git is organising it – contact him in the Winter Scorcha thread if you’ve got any queries.

As it happens it’s the weekend of Waaagh UK 2013 as well so if you plan things right you can attend both!

It’s now 2013 as some of you may have noticed and there’s rumblings going on about another Gorkamorka tournament down in Warhammer World (Nottingham).

At the moment the date is uncertain but if you’re interested pop over to The Waaagh where there’s a small discussion going on.

Gorkamorka Winter Scorcha thread

27 Nov 2012

A source for Mutie calivers

Filed under: Modelling

Mutie weapons are rather hard to come by and to be honest even in the original models it was unclear which ones were which. However whilst browsing Forgeworld’s new releases list we found these:

The Volkite Caliver Set (Found under Horus Heresy if they move it in time). They’re far from cheap but apparently that’s what Imperial calivers look like. The rules for them can be found on page 65 of Digganob.
