9 Sep 2011
Filed under: Modelling
It’s not often that we post stuff for Rebel Grots but I think we’ve found something fun for you today. Over at GW-Fanworld there’s a thread containing some rather good links to some Rebel Grot conversions.
First off there’s this cutta by Morgash, although sadly there’s no finished photo in the thread:

Next up there’s a cutta and big lugga built using a combination of the original Gorkamorka Big Lugga kit and the modern Ork Trukk kit, done by grimgob.

There’s plenty more photos in the thread.
Over on the Penny Arcade forums there’s a single photo of some cuttas done by Technicality:

More recently there’s this cutta on Henry’s wargames and strange tat blog:

There we go, some inspiration for you. Thanks to HiveTyrantPrometheus for collecting these links!
Tags: Rebel Grots
7 Sep 2011
Filed under: Experimental, House Rules, News
Edit: There is now an FAQ available on YakTribe. If you have any questions it’s a good place to start!
One important document missing from Gorkamorka is an FAQ, official or otherwise. There’s quite a lot of things that it’s not entirely clear how they should work, as anyone who has taken part in a GoMo campaign can attest to.
Does having two six-shootas cancel out the reloading requirement, as it does in Mordheim?
How do multiple combats work when both sides are multiples?
Can you run over models in close combat?
Basically we, the community, are trying to get together a list of issues so that we can make a start on fixing these issues. Ideally we’ll be able to create a creative commons document to be released for all to use and redistribute to make all our lives a bit easier.
To provide a question or issue you can either post in the FAQ thread on The Waaagh, or leave a comment here.
UPDATE: A new version of these rules has been released.
Hey guys, Flamekebab here. I’ve been rather enjoying a particular TV show from the US of late and it inspired me to try to create a biker mob.
In the past there’s been discussion of how to use bikers in Gorkamorka both on tUGS and in the community, but I never quite found something that appealed to me. Playing the DLC for GTA IV, The Lost and Damned, made me enjoy bikes in a way I hadn’t before and where better to express that than on the battlefield that is Da Skid?
These rules are based on the Freeboota rules written by Neal Plews but are significantly different. They also introduce a hired gun of sorts, much like Underhive Scummers in Necromunda. Unlike the other factions I’ve worked on with the rest of the tUGS team this one is just a small one, not a fully-fledged jobbie with countless hours of playtesting to its name and won’t be going in Ere Be Stuff. Actually, it hasn’t been tested at all yet, but I wrote them for my own use in our upcoming GoMo campaign so I’ll do my best to post feedback and then later tweak the rules if necessary.
Either way, I hope you enjoy these rules and let us know what you think. I’ll do my best to get some nice models and a few battle reports if I can. I’m thinking the Feral Ork torsos from Kromlech with leather biker cuts sculpted on.
Download PDF
These rules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The rules were written by Ben Fox with additional work by Liam Davenport. The layout graphics were created by Ben Fox and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license.The illustration was provided by Darren Sampson and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Tags: Orks
16 Aug 2011
Filed under: Terrain
Shadowbadger has been doing some inspiring work over on Heresy Online creating a rather awesome board for Gorkamorka:

There’s some brilliant construction photos explaining how the effect was created. I’m tempted to do something similar with my board having seen this!
2 Aug 2011
Filed under: Modelling

Now for a bit of a change of pace. In Gorkamorka, unlike Warhammer 40,000, Orks can be armed with kannons. These are not the artillery weapons many of you know of from recent years but rather are chunky Orky shotguns. With the change in scale since Gorkamorka a lot has changed and it’s difficult to get hold of some weapons. Conveniently Ramshackle games sell four kinds of shotgun arms that might, just maybe, be suitable for use on modern Orks.
So here’s three of those designs, sculpted by our own Flamekebab with additional work (and the arms themselves) by Curtis Fell.
The first is a standard pump-action design that some of you might remember Flamekebab sculpting and attempting to cast a long time ago. Then there’s a single barrelled weapon, as many cheap kannons are and lastly a drum magazine one based on the Striker. There’s also a Kromlech Orc War II head in there, as some of you may have noticed.

Models painted by Flamekebab and Midnight.
The fourth design is a double-barrelled shotgun as seen below, assembled and painted by sho3box.
If you want a better look at them in isolation, unpainted take a look here.
Oh yeah, where to buy them?
Ramshackle games, 4 for £1.
Tags: Orks