frankenork-da-monsterHappy Halloween, everyone!

Today we present for your consideration the tale of Doktor Sheller and his unnamed creation in the scenario “Frankenork”.

It’s the final bit of content we’re releasing during Orktober. It’s been a great month and the response we’ve had from the community has been fantastic. Hopefully we’ve inspired some of you to create stuff, you’ve certainly provided lots of inspiration for us.

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Version 1.1






These rules and artwork are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The rules were written by Ben Fox, Ross Graham, and Matt McPherson. The artwork was created by Clayton Tait and the layout graphics were created by Ben Fox.


We hope you’re all having a good Halloween weekend. We’ve got another scenario for you but we’re a little busy (Halloween party at tUGS HQ!) so we can’t release it until tomorrow. However, fear not, for ScottM96 is here to help.

He’s written a rather awesome Halloween scenario for Gorkamorka::

Da Zombie Aporkalypse


See you tomorrow!


night-of-da-living-scrapHad he been going to bed earlier every night? Had he been sleeping later?

One of the Mekboys has been very, very busy…

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These rules and artwork are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The rules were written by Ben Fox, Ross Graham, and Matt McPherson. The artwork was created by Clayton Tait and the layout graphics were created by Ben Fox.


So, you want to create a mob of Dust Rats? You’ll need these:

Background Fiction
1. Landfall
2. Lockdown
3. One Small Step
4. Silent Cartographers
5. Hot Zone
Basic Stuff
Mob Structure
Mob Listing
Equipment List
Advanced Stuff
In Campaign Part 1
In Campaign Part 2
Post Game

Basic Dust Rat Tagz

We hope we’ve covered everything there. To quote ourselves:

This is an open beta test, which means that these rules are not finalised and some things may be changed before the final release. That said, we encourage you to try out the rules and give us feedback as that is what this is for. We can test them in-house but we’re only a small group of people and we simply don’t have enough time to try out every permutation. So, please, try out the rules and tell us which bits are broken or unbalanced!

We are Oscar Mike.

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Here’s a scenario written specifically for the Dust Rats that you might enjoy. The defender has to defend an SSV cut off from a convoy until the necessary repairs can be completed – looks like an ideal opportunity for some of the other denizens of Da Skid!

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These rules and artwork are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The rules were written by Matt McPherson with assistance from Ben Fox who also created the layout graphics.

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