It’s the end of the week, but there’s still more to come. We estimate we’ll have all the Dust Rat stuff released by next Wednesday. Then we’ve got some Orky stuff to round out the month.

Here’s the conclusion to the Dust Rat’s background:

1. Landfall

2. Lockdown

3. One Small Step

4. Silent Cartographers

5. Hot Zone

At the present time, the Dust Rats have stripped most of the desert near to their base of anything useful. As more and more salvage missions return empty handed, command has been forced to reconsider their position on avoidance when it comes to the greenskins and the mutants. Over the mountains and past the Ork settlement sits the crash site of the Orks’ ship. While they worry that the greenskins cannibalization of the ship may have resulted in the salvage being unusable for their purposes, the situation has reached a breaking point. To give up now would be to fly in the face of all their efforts over centuries. Their ancestors and their Emperor would look upon them with disgust for their failure.

New orders have once again been handed out. Units are now authorized to enter the hot zone around the crashed spaceship carcass and begin salvage as quickly and effectively as possible. Recon squads of bike mounted soldiers sweep across the scar on the surface, noting the position of promising pieces of equipment and then returning to give the locations to the recovery units. The most recent reports suggest that parts of the Eternal Vigilance have finally been discovered, fiercely guarded by their mutated brethren. A full assault would be suicide, but in time any problem can be overcome.

This is where the future is made, with young men and women standing ready to go out into the Dust and beat the greenskins back to claim the tools they need to survive.

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Mike-Lawler-Grenades So, you’ve got the other information for recruiting some Dust Rats, presumably you’d like to actually equip them too. We thought you might.

There’s weapons, equipment, gubbinz, the whole lot. You’re going to need a copy of both Da Roolz, and Digganob to get the full use out of this lot. We apologise if you’ve not got Digganob, but it’s quite easy to find on eBay for a reasonable sum.

Here’s a run-down of the pricing first, cost in teef as you would expect:

Hand to hand
Machine Pistol
1-Handed CCW
2-Handed CCW
D.E.W. Pistol


D.E.W. Rifle
Long Rifle




Big Gunz
Heavy Machine Gun
Recoilless Rifle
Slug Thrower


Combat Vest
Ceramic Inserts
Blast Plating
Ammo Webbing
Backpack Frame


Advanced Suspension
Cargo netting
Extra Armour 
Fuel Injection System
Loadsa Ammo
Scrap Magnet

1/4 Weapon cost

Tactical Helmet
Exposed D.E.W. Mags

1/2 Weapon cost

Note: Items in italics may only be purchased by warriors of Veteran level or above (i.e 61+).

Additional note: In the PDF there is a note that says “DIAGRAM” in the Stinger’s entry. It hasn’t been created yet (our artists are working on fancier things at the moment) but will be present soon. There will also be a template for the item. In the meantime, the Stinger template is 4” long and 1” wide, make your own.

The rules for all of them are in a PDF. The stuff is just way too long to release all at once on the site.

Download PDF

As this is just the beta we’re not going whole-hog and laying things out like our normal releases. We’ve got some artwork in the pipeline from Mike Lawler for use in the final thing, but that’s something to look forward to.

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Here’s the story so far:

1. Landfall

2. Lockdown

3. One Small Step

4. Silent Cartographers

With no other experience to go on the men turned to their archives which held accounts of any number of Xenos races their forefathers had encountered. What they learnt of the Orks chilled them to their bones – these creatures were out there. Just one greenskin would mean a swarm of them, and they were aware of at least a dozen. Work needed to continue but firm discipline was required to maintain order. Resources were diverted to producing weaponry to deal with potential threats, as much of the old weaponry had been in the exposed section of the base for a considerable length of time. Over the following decades there were encounters with the Orks but in the majority of cases they were easy to evade, their defining quality being their lack of subtlety.

Nearly 15 cycles had passed before it was deemed safe outside to begin using vehicles on a regular basis. Up until now, foot patrols had always been used for fear of turning their entire vehicle stock into giant radioactive batteries that would slowly poison everyone on the base. Indeed a marked drop in radiation inconsistent with the decay of normal isotopes had been observed in the years since they had begun sending probes and men out to test the levels. No one however was deeply concerned about something that made their lives that much easier. Finally retiring the base’s stock of hazard suits was a momentous occasion and mapping efforts were redoubled with the speed and evasive ability now afforded to the units; wider areas were mapped in a single day than would have been in a month on foot.

With a handle on the surrounding area and with clear orders to avoid the massive Ork encampment that had sprung up during their self-imposed quarantine, the Dust Rats turned inwards again, looking at the shattered remains of their comms equipment. While the archives had data on many important pieces of information to their survival the specifications required for a communications tower capable of reaching the Imperium without the need for an orbiting ship to relay the communications were steep indeed. The pitiful base transmitter they had cobbled together would need to be more than a thousand times more powerful to even hope of contacting a ship nearing the sector. Not to be defeated however, the commanders set the engineers and scientists to their task. Working from incomplete archives and rediscovering first principles, they began their efforts to determine exactly what was needed for a transmitter that would be able to signal their desperate need for assistance. The conclusion was simple: They needed to salvage as many of the parts scattered across the desert as they could. With the greenskins already building some kind of monolith out of junk in the centre of their town, the commanders of the bases issued the order to prepare for war. If the broken remains of the crashed ship were their only hope, then they would fight with every breath in their bodies until it was theirs.

Building up the settlement and acquiring a steady stream of materials became paramount, which began with the authorisation to deploy the SSV class vehicles, relics left behind from their ancestors wish to dig into the earth. Instead, they would become instruments that would take them to stars once again and free them from this terrible, arid wasteland. At the same time, the salvage operation was divided up across the base. The weapons sheds that would become the armoury took a percentage to make new ammunition and weaponry to replace those lost in raids or damaged through neglect. The engineers began to melt down the metal, forging it into the struts and tower supports that would be needed for their new communications tower. The Science Corps, the descendants of the Paleo-team who hadn’t been sealed into the pyramids during the cataclysm, began to sift for the smaller electronic parts that were often discarded by the greenskins for having no immediately discernable purpose, hacking together crude transmitters and experimenting with signal amplification. Anything spare went to fortifications, building up not only the main base, but also the outposts that saw the most frequent assault by the greenskins.

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Hey folks, sorry about the delay, here’s the rules for the Dust Rat vehicles, as promised. You can find the rest of the mob listing here.

Dust Rat Vehicles


Dust-Rat-Bike There is a list of standard deployment gear given for all kinds of scenarios that the Imperium has built up over years of computer simulations and accumulated tactical data. As a result, when the original deployment to Angelis was undertaken, previous data suggested that in order to facilitate rapid reconnaissance a particular bike-type was ideal for the environment. The DR-170C or "Dust Rat" motorcycle, manufactured on Tigrus, a forge world several systems away is a light, durable and exceptionally fast motorcycle designed to cope with harsh desert landscapes and shifting sand dunes. Given adequate training, a Rat can cover a massive amount of ground solo without compromising his ability to escape danger should he happen across it. Coveted by many of the younger members of the military corps, officers have been known to keep these bikes for the entirety of their active service life, giving them loving maintenance and care.

This bike also inspired the informal nickname that the units have for themselves as whole. Given the feeling that many soldiers spend their lives speeding around the desert, being hunted like vermin by the greenskins, it seemed like the natural choice to describe anyone who headed out into the field.

Bike movement works in precisely the same way as an Ork bike, i.e. 6" of movement under gas engines and 6" using thrusters, the first thrust does not require a test (see pg. 33 of Da Roolz). However, unlike an Ork Bike, Dust Rat Bikes ignore difficult terrain and treat very difficult terrain as difficult ground.

The hit location damage work in precisely the same way as an Ork Bike (see pg. 64 of Da Roolz), except the armour values are listed below.

Score Armour Location Score Armour Location
1 0 Crew 4 7 Wheels
2 7 Wheels 5 6 Driver
3 7 Gubbinz 6 8 Engine
Light Recce Vehicle

Dust-Rat-LRV The Imperium of Man has a large repertoire of vehicles adapted to a huge number of differing terrains. As a result, the basis for most of their vehicles is an incredibly tough chassis that’s designed to keep rolling whether its moving through snow, sand or across the crust of a recently cooled lava lake. However the Imperium’s strategy of using soldiers en masse means that these vehicles aren’t deeply committed to keeping their occupants alive. While they soak up small arms fire like a sponge, they fall apart when presented with anything bigger than a rifle.

Several hundred years later the working stock of LRVs are mostly copies of the originals mixed with cannibalised parts, leaving them in an even more precarious position as spare parts run low and Ork weaponry gets more deadly. The boys in motor pool do their best and strictly off the books have come up with a number of useful enhancements that make them a bit safer, a bit quicker and a little more efficient at reducing the Greenskins to a pile of twitching goo.

LRV movement works in precisely the same way as an Ork trukk, i.e. 6" of movement under gas engines and 6" using thrusters. The hit location damage work in precisely the same way as an Ork trukk (see pg. 62 of Da Roolz), except the armour values are listed below.

Score Armour Location Score Armour Location
1 6 Crew 4 7 Wheels
2 7 Fixed Weapon 5 7 Driver
3 7 Gubbinz 6 8 Engine
Support and Salvage Vehicle

Dust-Rat-SSV As a part of the Paleo-Team who were set to dig into the pyramids, a large fleet of transport battlefield salvage pattern trucks were deployed to the base in order to carry the hopefully large quantity of salvage and artefacts back to the base for extraction. As the hulk crashed through the atmosphere and knocked the Eternal Vigilance earthwards they had yet to be deployed as the excavation was still in its early stages, resulting in the entire fleet of trucks being sealed in deep storage.

The boys in motor pool have added additional armour and modified the trucks to make them useful for backing up the high speed LRVs and allowing units to have greatly extended mission durations and ranges by carrying extra supplies, water and ammunition with them. However, these trucks are several tonnes of steering resistant metal and as a result, are much more difficult to control at speed, something made no easier by the extra armouring and weaponry bolted onto to these repurposed behemoths.

These large vehicles are almost as large as an Ork trukk, often exceeding them in length. Their heavy armour makes driving them quite a skill and it takes them some time to get up to speed. Once moving at speed it becomes increasingly difficult to slow them down and even the most experienced drivers sometimes have trouble regaining control.

Dust Rat SSVs count as Ork trukks for all rules except movement, as detailed under SSV Movement. The hit location damage work in precisely the same way as an Ork trukk (see pg. 62 of Da Roolz), except the armour values are listed below.

Score Armour Location Score Armour Location
1 9 Crew 4 8 Wheels
2 9 Fixed Weapon 5 9 Driver
3 8 Gubbinz 6 10 Engine

SSV Movement

SSVs have two kinds of movements, just like Ork vehicles – gas engines and thrusters. The term "thrusters" here does not necessarily mean the vehicle has an actual booster system, merely higher gears that can be reached by sustained acceleration, but any damage to thrusters occurs just as it would for an Ork vehicle.

Under gas engines an SSV may move up to 4" and make two 45° turns (see pg. 31 of Da Roolz).
Thrusting works as follows – the first successful thrust is up to 3", the second up to 4", and the third (and any subsequent thrusts) up to 5".

Once the vehicle is up to full speed it becomes difficult to slow down again, represented in-game by the fact that if an SSV thrusts it must move at least 2" next turn before it can move as normal (so it could then turn or move the rest of its gas engines move, i.e. 2").

The driver may attempt to regain control before then by passing a leadership test, which will allow the SSV to move as normal. Should he fail the leadership test the SSV will move forward D6" and swerve, ending the vehicle’s movement automatically.

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Here’s the third section of the Dust Rats background. If you missed the first two you can find them here:

1. Landfall

2. Lockdown

3. One Small Step

In time the readings showed that it might be safe for brief scouting of the outside. Those who ventured forth had been born on the base, as had their parents, with no concept of “outside”, beyond the words of the few remaining elders. The five who stepped out did so in heavy protective suits, half-blind by the bright daylight, with excitement and fear in their hearts. Only a few minutes passed before they returned and their clothing was destroyed immediately, but their survival created incredible hope for the future.

The excitement was somewhat short-lived as excursions remained short as the risks were not unsubstantial, but over time the lockdown began to be lifted. With this new facility it became possible to finally examine and attempt repairs on the exterior damage the crash had created, with the exception of the comms centre. The entire section and the equipment that had been there was destroyed, decayed, or irradiated. Salvage and research were now the only options.

Inevitably the track that had once been the only entrance and exit to the base became a priority and clearing it in full protective gear was a painfully slow task. However, after over a year of hard labour a path was cut through the rock and wreckage, just wide enough for a man. Stepping through and surveying the landscape made it evident that the crash had left a lasting impression on the surface of Angelis. Where there had been hills there were now valleys, sitting between new peaks. The Base had full mapping data for a thousand miles surrounding their valley, but very little of it was still accurate. Without bearings in a barren wasteland, expeditions were necessarily risky to find their way out from the maze of identical canyons. The hope was that perhaps part of the Eternal Vigilance had survived with intact or salvageable communications equipment, but finding it would be challenging to say the least.

Reconnaissance teams were assembled, equipped with mapping devices and hazard suits, they were sent out into the desert to bring back vital data. It was during one of these mapping missions that the world changed for the 534th. On an open plateaux a relative distance from the base, one team encountered survivors and they were unfortunately just the first. These poor souls were the descendants of those who had lived through the fall of the Eternal Vigilance, but at a great cost. Their features were twisted, their bodies abominable affronts to the purity the Emperor demanded. Thinking it an act of mercy the team fired on the creatures as they slunk back to the shadows in fear. This would be the first and only outside contact for decades, but a rifle became part of the standard mission pack for anyone venturing outside. If those things had survived, then there could well be far worse monstrosities out there.

Mapping efforts proceeded but the distance became increasingly problematic. No sooner had a field team reached its designated region before needing to begin the arduous journey back. There was considerable deliberation before it was decided that an outpost would be required. The engineering and logistics corps were tasked with making it a reality, a job they were more than capable of, given time. Large concrete sections were created and dragged by groups of men under the planet’s two blazing suns for miles at a time, before being assembled onsite. Construction took the best part of a year, but upon completion the new outpost was able to provide safe shelter, provisions, and where required, protective suit repairs.

Life continued without event for several months until one slow afternoon when all hell broke loose. The sound of alarms and weapons firing could be heard from miles around the outpost. All who defended their base in the siege were loyal to The Emperor, but all were cut down. To their credit the defenders at the outpost did kill a few of the attackers, but ultimately they were not the victors. A returning recon group discovered the grisly scene and managed to extract a few last words from one of their dying comrades – “greenskins”.

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