1 Sep 2010

Out of Print Games page MIA?

Filed under: General, News

GoMo-croppedIt seems that the Out of Print Games page on the Games Workshop website has been hidden. This is perhaps intentional, but it’s far from a certainty, but it matters because it was the page distributing the rulebooks for GoMo.

Regardless of the intent, the page itself is still up and can be found here. We suggest you get the books from that page, rather than via the links below, simply because that’s what GW have asked of other sites.

There’s no guarantee the page will stay up though, so here’s direct links to the PDFs:

Da Roolz

Da Uvver Book

The obvious disclaimer applies – we did NOT create these documents, they’re subject to the GW terms of use. The following text accompanies/accompanied the files:

All the files are free to download but please be aware that all PDF files downloaded from this website are copyright Games Workshop and that you must abide by our terms of use policy when downloading and using our internet resources.

We hope we’re not going to get in any trouble over trying to make sure our readers have access to the rules of Gorkamorka. We just want people to be able to play this awesome game!

27 Aug 2010

When should I go to the Dok?

Filed under: General

Sending your boyz to the Dok can be a risky business but there are great rewards to be had too, depending on your fortunes of course. This article focuses mainly on Gorkers and Morkers (although Ork Freebooters get a mention too).

If one of your boyz gets seriously injured the question often arises, “Should I send him to the Dok?”. The answer isn’t always a simple one unfortunately

Personally I base my decisions on the subject around the intended purpose of the warrior. If he has low leadership and a headwound then he’s going to be under the knife before he knows it, particularly if he also has low WS (meaning Frenzy won’t be worth much). On the other hand if the boy in question is a driver or gunner and receives a leg wound or an arm wound I’m unlikely to bother.

A good strategy for the risk averse amongst us is to wait until multiple serious injuries are sustained; that way even if the Dok gets a bit mixed up there’s a reasonable chance that one of the other maladies will be remedied.

That’s my strategy but certainly not the only one, not by a long stretch. Ross, tUGS‘ freebooter player tends to send his boys in at the first sign of a fever, usually getting an assortment of crazy results. This seems to be quite an effective tactic for augmenting otherwise unremarkable warriors. For example, one of his boys has a Cybork Body (thanks to Kromlech, their Post-Apocalyptic Mechanical Torsos are ideal), he’s able to stand up to a hell of a lot of punishment. On one occasion it took three guys and one with a Power Klaw to take that git down!

Sending a yoof to the Dok may well double his cost (the Dok’s bill is added to a warrior’s cost, don’t forget) but it can provide some rather interesting results from a mob member that might otherwise be fairly useless.

In the end it’s entirely up to you – are you feeling fortunate?

25 Aug 2010

Orky Necrons/Orkrons?

Filed under: General, Modelling

Just had to make a quick post out of these little fellas. Jaggedtoothgrin over on DakkaDakka posted these over a year ago but I’ve just been made aware of them by our resident Kaptin…

Holee crap these are awesome!

Seeing anything like this coming over the horizon towards me, I would simply lay down my rifle, curl into a ball and wait for the rush of death to sweep over me..

Make sure you check out the rest of the pics in there, though if you have a slow connection, it might be quicker to wait for them to break the atmosphere and begin scouring this world of life.

Recently Easy E asked on The Waaagh what the point of Ork bikes were, which of course prompted an article on the subject, created with considerable help from all of those that replied to the topic.

Ork bikes are lousy at ramming, can barely fit any gubbinz and can’t mount big gunz at all. However, one spanner boy can support three bikes and they are only 10 teef each, fifteen if you factor in a driver allowing for a more flexible approach and avoiding putting all your eggs in one basket noted Da Bikers.

If you try to use a bike like you would a trukk or a trak you’re going to run into problems, but if you learn to play to their strengths then you can really harass your opponents.

As long as you build the bikes right you should be able to fit one passenger on them. That passenger won’t get any protection, unlike if they were the crew on another vehicle (or the bike’s driver for that matter) but they do become hyper mobile. A passenger can easily be transported near scrap counters, moved to an advantageous location, or be picked up and escape from trouble very quickly.


This picture is reason enough to have Ork Bikers in your mob

Zogg pointed out the often neglected rule of tailing, which is particularly useful with bikes. If you opt to tail an enemy vehicle you will move when they move meaning you can continually harangue them. Combining this with krak stikkbombs can be an excellent way to take down those pesky steel behemoths although a similar strategy can be employed if you’ve equipped the bike with twin-linked kannons (as I have) – every turn you’ll get D3 S4 shots at close range against the vehicle you’re after. Not amazing, but sooner or later you’re going to inflict some damage.

If vehicles aren’t troubling you then bikes can still be valuable assets – more so if you have multiple bikes in play. You see all those warriors in the open? Yeah, they could really benefit from being run over a few times!
You might not actually kill them, but it’ll certainly keep your opponent distracted, allowing you free rein to implement some sort of Kunnin’ Plan, if you’ve got one. If not, now you’ve got the breathing space to come up with one…

If you’ve got more ideas for good ways to use bikers in Gorkamorka either leave a comment on this article or head over to the forum and drop a reply there.


Artwork provided by Clayton Tait and used with permission.

It’s a fact of life in Gorkamorka: Mobsters get hurt. Sometimes quite badly. It’s not entirely unexpected in a world where everyone has guns, knives and ammo hanging off them pretty much twenty four seven. Hell, with that amount of weaponry going around, I’m surprised people don’t need trips to the hospital every time they sit down and accidentally blow their own legs off from the grenades in their pockets.1130overkillweapons When we designed the Dust Rats we looked at them from the perspective of the Muties versus the Diggas. The Diggas fight like Orks but with some puny weaknesses that hold them back. They even go to Da Dok and get all manner of weird bioniks attached to them, something a normal human torso just cannot cope with. On the flip side we’ve got the Muties who indulge in humanity’s desire for superior firepower and are depicted as being sneaky, underhanded and just downright scary at times. They also didn’t have a method of healing themselves, something I hope to remedy soon. You’ve probably seen the original preview of the Mutie healing rules and formed your opinions about them. But it’s not that I want to talk about.

No, I want to discuss serjery on squishy ‘oomans, by other squishy ‘oomans. The Dust Rats dok table, affectionately dubbed the “Field Hospital” rules is nearing completion and release as well and I hope that they provide what the other healing rules provide as well: making your mobsters harder, better, faster and stronger (on average) than they were before they went in.

To try and portray a reasonable view of effective human surgery in a society much more advanced technologically than our own, I’ve taken some licence. I assume its possible for high quality prosthetics to be made, though not necessarily in bulk or cheaply, which can interface with human nerves and act just like a real limb. I’ve assumed that they have things to worry about like infection by ork spores or that the human mind is a much more fragile thing than the Orkoid view that “Walkin’ towards da bullets meanz I’s closa to ‘ittin ‘im!” philosophy of being under fire. I’ve also assumed this is a proper sci-fi universe and weird special tech does exist Though again, it can be rare. Also you’ll notice the none-too-subtle references to several movies that are made in the list.  I can never resist an in-joke, especially when it comes to naming. You should see some of the names we have for the upcoming Tagz system, debuting in reputable (and several disreputable) forums as we speak. Once community critique is collected, those are going up too.

On the plus side, it still works exactly as a normal trip to Da Dok, except generally speaking, the mobster wakes up with all his teeth still in his mouth. After all, who’d accept those weedy little teef as currency?

Some possible key differences should be noted here then. There are less weapon based abilities in here and they focus more on boosting the power of weapons already in your mob and the individual soldiers themselves. The head wounds results table has polar opposites of making pinning more and less likely.


“Mecha Body” result was discarded. Too anime.

There’s also no “Cybork” skill, something I tried to replicate correctly in the Mutie healing rules because Muties are likely to engage an ork, no matter how tricked out her is. The Dust Rats however know the appropriate response is to fall back, take up position and focus fire on it until it blows up or goes away. This has been replaced by the Super Soldier result which stacks on a set of bonuses but also does not give any way to override the stated maximums. That means a soldier the top of the table won’t benefit greatly from it at all but on the other side, it can turn a plank into a reliable killing machine for a maximum of six teef.

Battlefield medicine also makes an appearance here with the addition of the Stimm-Injector which gives you a nice beefy power boost for your current turn and the enemies next one and the Chem-Inhaler which adds a reliable way to remove flesh wounds during a game, something no other mob has.

A full version of the Dust Rat Healing Table will be released alongside the complete Dust Rats mob listings.
