engineAnother scenario by Tim Cammack, this time it’s about orks meeting up to gun their engines, drink heavily, and engage in ridiculous contests to find out who is the orkiest. VROOM!

Once in a blue moon Orks join together in fellowship to praise the wonderous invention of the Engine. All the rest of the time they are out to prove they’ve got the ‘ardest vehicles around. What better way to do this than in a ‘Uge ‘ed ta ‘ed Trukk-Fest’?

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(image by mordberg licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 license)

grot-townHere’s the second scenario from Into Da Big Nuffink by Tim Cammack. It features grot NPCs for players to attack, a feature we’ve not seen elsewhere.

Several Mobs have organised a Gretchin extermination hunt. After all, Grotz shouldn’t be allowed their own freedom, they need a proper Ork to show them what’s what. If they’re not kept under control the Orks could all have revoltin’ Grotz on their hands and Gork knows that they’re bad enough as it is.

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(image by eugene licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 license)

In Gubbinz there was an article called Into Da Big Nuffink written by Tim Cammack which provided rules for five different scenarios. We’re going to be sharing them with you in a teasing way by releasing them one by one, rather than all at once.

Why? Well, to be honest, the way we like to post scenarios as individual entries makes it easier on our system that way. Our setup lists the number of articles in the scenario category, this way that number will accurately reflect the number of the damn things we’ve actually got. Yeah, sorry about that rambling!

Sometimes a Mob will just get on everybody’s nerves, they’ll get too big for their own ‘Obnailz and annoy so many of the other mobs with their greedy selfish Orkiness that the other mobs sometimes band together to “Bash ‘em down a peg or two”. This is especially true for an old, successful well-established mob (with a high Mob-Rating) who get a bit too hard for any one mob to take on, on their own.

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Just a short one this time – Kromlech posted a pic of these snazzy ork heads a few days ago:orcheadscolor

They’re apparently part of a range of orks (ahem, “orcs”) called “Orc War II”. If they’ve already been sculpted, cast, and painted, we would imagine they’ll be available at MaxMini soon. Probably. They may have been available at Salute 2010 which was this weekend, but they’re not currently on the MaxMini store.

If you’re looking for some more heads, or perhaps you want to make a themed mob, these might be just the ticket. We look forward to seeing what other Orc War II goodies are in the pipeline!

23 Apr 2010

Get Da Gits

Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios

adrian_markusThe third and final scenario in Get Scrappin’ is finally online!

Every Ork will tell you that no-one likes a show off. If a mob starts struttin’ around Mektown like they own the place then other mobs will be more than happy to take them down a peg or two by attacking their fort. They won’t attack just to get more scrap or rescue one of their boyz, they will attack to humiliate the swanky mob and show them just how un-Orky they are.

It’s essentially a siege scenario with different objectives. That’s pretty much all there is to say, enjoy.

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(Pictured: Adrian Wood and Markus Trenkner)