16 Mar 2010

Fresh supplyz!

Filed under: Modelling, News

traks-1Well, we’ve been waiting for a little longer than we’d like but the wait is finally over – our MaxMini/Kromlech parts finally arrived!

Here’s a photo of the traks that are available. Unfortunately we can’t show you them on a model yet as this particular set is for the Kaptin, Grob, of our GoMo campaign’s freebootaz. He recently visited the dok as you might have read in the latest battle report. Thanks go out to Morduff for posing alongside the traks for a sense of scale. As you can see he recently went under the knife himself. Hopefully there’ll soon be a good model for Iron Mask, although Black Orc heads are pretty awesome for that purpose too if you don’t feel like converting one like I did.

He’ll soon be sporting these in place of his horrid old legs, both of which were crippled, limiting his movement to 2" per turn. This prevented him from doing more than riding around on vehicles or shooting. Ironically, in game terms he now counts as a vehicle!

traks-5 traks-2

Each of these photos links to a better quality high-res photo to let you get a clear idea of how they look. Once they’re painted I’m sure a photo will be made available for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve got all the other bioniks they sell at the time of writing, but we think we’ll save them for another post.

traks-3 traks-4

In terms of quality, we can say that these are beautifully sculpted, just as good as GW’s modern stuff, if not better. The bioniks are also miles better than the original pieces. We can’t post a comparison photo for these traks though, as none were ever produced!

Normally you’d be able to grab your own set over here but they’ve been so popular that they’ve sold out for now. From what we’ve read, a fresh batch is being cast at the moment and they’ll soon be available again.

Edit: They’re now back in stock!

ij-v-1As of this evening, the first of our new GoMo faction steps into the glare of Angelis’ bright sunlight. He’s a veteran and wields a long rifle, he also carries a close combat weapon.

4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

He’s currently about 9 teef without equipment, although that’s likely to go up. He also starts with a significantly higher level of base experience in order to limit his opportunities to acquire further skills and stat increases.

Additionally, at the moment, mobs are only allowed 0-2 veterans, plus their commanding officer. The rest of the troops have a starting WS of 2. We didn’t want to cripple the mob too much by leaving their hand to hand troops completely useless.

These stats may well change in future, playtesting is scheduled to begin soon, depending on other commitments. The other models are finished but not fully painted yet, although the vehicles are a different matter. I’m working on creating a kit of the model I’ve created for their light trucks, time depending.

 ij-v-2 ij-v-3


The Questers of Magod vs. Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb
Scenario: Convoy (Digganob, scenario 2)

In the first clash between the two underdogs of the GoMo campaign there’s everything to play for as they meet in the desert. Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb (recently renamed for clarity) are attempting to haul their looted/stolen/found booty back to Mektown only to be attacked by Da Skid’s mounted menace, The Questers of Magod. So, who will win – pirate orks or mutant cowboys?

setuptent-1 Here’s the setup, with muties indicated by the yellow arrows. The freeboota trukk is in the centre, indicated by the red measuring ruler. They’re carrying three pieces of scrap and a skeleton crew. They take the first turn, seeing the muties closing in.

Attempting to get into a better position for escape the orks get themselves onto the safer side of the difficult terrain and barricades – better one mutie than three, right lads?

Roja mans the harpoons and goes for the mutie with the huge plasma staff thingy (a Jezzail) but the trukk’s a boneshaker and his shot misses, impaling the nearby tent.

mutie-move-1Wabdash has better luck and manages to give him a flesh wound but Commissar Statistix isn’t going down without a fight, clearly.

Not to be left empty handed the muties close the gap while their heavy support, Commissar Statistix, holds steady, planning his shot.

When the time is just right he takes his shot, damaging the harpoon gun onboard Da Jolly Squig. The damage isn’t extensive but it should make it even harder for the freebootaz to use their best ranged weapon.

-Da Kaptin

IMG_2453Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb grin as their driver guns Da Jolly Squig’s engine and tries to make street pizza of Commissar Statistix, who passes his initiative test easily and deftly dodges. Da Kaptin wants his revenge though and puts the mutie down with a lucky shot from his shoota.street-pizza

Pyoor skill, yer git!
-Da Kaptin



The muties pull it together though and get into range and open fire and damage Da Jolly Squig’s wheels, shaking up the crew but not scaring them off.

Immobilise their transport, brothers, they must not escape!"
-Seeker Magnus



freeboota-chargeCovered by hail of harpoons and kannon fire from the crew the landing party disembark, charging towards the nearest mutie, Commissar Statistix. Using their recently acquired growler squigs they take the Keeper down, ouch!

Their trukk is now temporarily immobilised as the driver was one of the crew who disembarked (represented by the model “Grob”). The muties have got the mob where they want them now, but can they claim the upper hand?

 boom-citydamn-armour The muties open fire on the landing party as best they can but it’s no good, Steerrraaagh! and Da Kaptin are too gnarly. An explosion from Magnus’ fusil hits the freeboota leader full in the chest but once the smoke clears and the echoes die away all that can be heard is the taunting laughter of Da Kaptin.

Yarrharrrharr! DAT ALL YE GOT, YER PANZIES?!
-Da Kaptin

Steerrraaagh! charges Magnus, the mutie Seeker, and gets in two powerful blows but it’s no good, his armour is just too tough and it’s not long until skill prevails and the ork goes out of action. One casualty each!

slow-speedMeanwhile one of the mutie Snagas is getting into some cover nearby and taking shots at Da Kaptin, eventually giving him a fleshwound, no armour protecting him from that.

Taking the hint, Da Kaptin boards Da Jolly Squig again and yells at the gunner to grab the wheel. After a few slow speed manoeuvres they’re eventually back to facing a useful direction – time to squish some mutie scum!

While they’re doing that they’re having some issues, mainly because Baccus is dodging between the rock spires in the distance taking  potshots at them. That hit-and-run riding skill he’s got is proving very handy.

reefUnfortunately for the freebootaz, they’re about to find out why the gunner is just that..

Firing up the thrusters it’s only a few seconds before there’s an almighty crunch of tortured metal. Well, that’s the thrusters gone.

Arrr! We’ve run aground, Cap’n!
-Soon to be keel-hauled stand-in driver

The muties rain fire on the stricken vehicle but apparently Magnus has other ideas, missing completely and destroying the poor tent. Oh the humanity!


mutie-meleetent-2Disembarking once again, Da Kaptin charges Mol and after a struggle takes him down with a heavy blow to the head. One lump or two?

With only the Seeker and a lone Snaga left on the board, the muties have had enough, they decide to cut their losses and bottle out.

They may scare easily, but I suspect they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers..



Result: Victory to Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb

In the post game sequence Mol was found to have a headwound from the bludgeoning he received, but he wasn’t disheartened. Quite the opposite, it seems to have knocked some confidence into him, enough to challenge Magnus for leadership! Ultimately Magnus proved to be a better shot, but it took several rounds to establish who was better.

The mutie Keeper, Commissar Statistix, also ended up with a headwound. That could be an issue in future..

By comparison the mutie mob had an uneventful time, as Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb may have won, but that wasn’t enough for the first mate. He wasn’t in the battle, but he did get to go in for a spot of serjery, emerging with tracks instead of legs and a steel skull. The increased leadership this gave him made him challenge Da Kaptin for command, a pitfight which he won. Da Kaptin ended up in Da Dok’s Serjery too afterwards, finding himself the proud owner of a gyro-stabilised monowheel, even though his old legs were just fine.

Once the parts from MaxMini arrive there’ll be some fresh bionik orks on the table, no waiting around!

15 Feb 2010

More serjery supplies!

Filed under: Modelling, News

Holy f*cking ass-crackers!

No sooner had I posted about the awesome new bitz sculpted by Kromlech when a new announcement went up, with new, awesomely fantastic, replacement legs!

From left to right, if I’m any judge at least, we have De-Lux Kicking Legs, Traks, and Telescopic Legs. Technically the De-Lux Kicking Legs should come as individual legs, but I think they can be let off the hook as the original GoMo models for same were not individual legs.

I think my favourite is the traks, they look fantastic. I’d love to tell you if they’re going to release any for the others (Peg legs, Gyro-Stabilised Monowheel, and Wheels) but I’ve no idea, we’ll just have to wait and see.

They’re not available in the MaxMini store yet but I imagine it won’t be too long before you can get your grubby mitts on them.

In the meantime, enjoy a close-up view of the legs (clicky to embiggen):

12 Feb 2010

Da Bandits

Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios

2008_3_scrap1Here’s another scenario from Gubbinz, a chase scenario this time with scrap counters too.

As I’ve not played it, I’m afraid I’ve not got much to say, although it sounds quite fun to me so perhaps I’ll get a chance to give it a shot.

Written by Jonathon Williams.

A new scenario in which a Mek convoy, laden with scrap, becomes the target of a bandit attack, in a high-speed chase across da Skid.

Download PDF