11 Feb 2010

Da dok’s got new parts

Filed under: Modelling, News

One thing that is even less available these days than six-shootas and kannons is bionikz. Whilst Orks are easily available, if you need to fit them with a shoota arm you’re out of luck, unless you’re willing to convert the part from scratch.

Well, MaxMini.eu are releasing some conversion bits sculpted by Marcin Szmyt over at Kromlech.

I don’t think the shooty arms are available just yet but I don’t imagine it’ll be too long until they too are available in the Maxmini store.

I also hear that there are further bits to come, which makes me happy.

They’re priced at €5.65 for a bag of five randomly selected arms, or $8.36 (US). Not too shabby!

11 Feb 2010

My Digga Shaman – Virgil

Filed under: Modelling


Something that I technically probably knew, but had always overlooked with regards to GoMo’s standard Ork mobs is the fact that they are entitled to hire Diggas.

It is mentioned in Da Uvver Book, but no rules are supplied, however they do exist on page 27 of Digganob as a bit of an afterthought:

An Ork mob may hire Digga warriors, in the same way it hires other fighters. The mob must have a Slaver to include Diggas. If the mob has a Slaver it may hire Digga-Boyz, Digga-Yoofs and a single Shaman, although his services are rarely needed to actually keep them under control. A hired Digga is treated like any other mob member and is chosen and equipped from the Diggas for Hire list as normal.

When working in the scrap mine. Digga-Boyz and Digga-Yoofs may dig D3 teef worth of scrap. A Shaman will not dig but may conduct a ceremony of searching This works exactly as normal and allows the Orks to add 2D6 teef to their income if successful.

If a mob falls so low that it has to resort to hiring Diggas, it is likely to lose .1 lot of respect from other Orks. For this reason, an Ork mob with Diggas fighting for it must follow the Digga rules for visiting the Meks. This means that until its mob rating reaches 200 it must deduct -1 for any rolls on Da Big Day chart. Note that the mob’s Spannerz may still fit gubbins as normal though.

IMG_2422My mob, Nazgrab’s Yella Deff has previously hired grots, picked out by the mob’s ruthless slaver, Grimfang.

After a rocky start, Nazgrab has managed to get quite a rep around Mektown, giving him enough respect to hire Diggas without fear of anyone laughing at him, well, at least to his face.

However, why bother hiring weedy Diggas unless they can do something special?

In a brewhouse near the Job Pole he stumbled across a shady Digga carrying a rather brutal looking staff. A few teef and a human-sized shoota changed hands and Virgil was on board. So far he’s just got a knack for finding scrap, but perhaps he’ll acquire some additional abilities as time goes on, we’ll see.

In terms of the actual model, he’s a bit of a history lesson. His body comes from an old (Necromunda) Delaque heavy from the mid-nineties, so old that I’m fairly convinced he’s actually cast in lead. He has plastic hands from multi-part Imperial Guard Catachan Jungle Warriors released in the late nineties or early 2000s. Attached to his waist are a set of Ork bullets from 3rd edition, around 2001 I think, the first modern multi-part Orks. He’s holding a shoota from the Gorkamorka boyz sprue from 1997 and his Findin’ Rod is made from a Grot Prod from the modern plastic Gretchin sprue. How’s that for nerdy knowledge?

Here he is painted up. He’s not brilliant, I know, but then again it’s been about a year since I last painted humans and I’m just not that great at painting.

IMG_2426 IMG_2425

2 Feb 2010

Fresh finds!

Filed under: News

In the previous news post we outlined which articles would get posted if things went to plan, well, predictably, they didn’t.

On the plus side, we found another issue of White Dwarf that contains a battle report between Diggas and Muties, which we’ll scan in and upload when we get a minute.

Lastly, we’ve set about finding which Citadel Journals contained articles about GoMo. There’s a few we didn’t know about and which would have been included in issue 2 of Gubbinz, had the magazine succeeded.

On the modelling front there’s been some work going on to create models for and playtest a second human faction for GoMo. It’s obviously not done yet, but things aren’t going badly. Eventually we’ll be publishing the background, the rules and the models we’ve been using. Depending on what else happens we may even try to create a resin kit for making some of the vehicles (currently scratch built).

That’s all, guys.

20 Jan 2010

Upcoming Content

Filed under: News

Just a quick post to outline some of the upcoming stuff in the coming week, if things go to plan:

  • -Part 2 of the tutorial on spray paint
  • -A terrain article on making hills, following a bit of a terrain jam we had on Sunday
  • -Another few scenarios
  • -Perhaps a battle report

We might put some other stuff up as well, but we’ll see how it goes. If you’d like to subscribe to our content you can do so via RSS, although we also deliver content via email.

That’s all for now!

Here’s a mob listing from Gubbinz, a new kind of ork mob for you all to have a play with. Currently our campaign features a group of these thugs known only as Cuttas Ov Da Jib but I’m afraid it’s too early to say whether these rules are well-balanced.

Written by Neal Plews and drawing on lots of the old background to the Orks, Freebootaz are quite different from Gorkers or Morkers. They won’t have anything to do with grots and can only have a single junior member at a time, they’ve also got their own skill table and huge cutlasses!

If you feel like playing these guys then you may wish to pickup some heads from MaxMini:

Pirate Orc Heads - Click Image to Close

Pirate Orc Boys Heads (10) - Click Image to Close (Click on the images for direct links)

I’ll see about posting some photos of Cuttas Ov Da Jib when they’re painted, as until recently they were just stand in models (they’ve just got their mitts on their own trukk for example).

Oh, yes, the rules for them, how absent-minded of me:

Download PDF – “Da Jolly Ork”

Reproduced with Neal’s permission.