Transcribed from play-by-play Twitter updates:

Nazgrab’s Yella Deff vs. Da Not So N00bz
Scenario: One of our ladz is missin’ (Da Uvver Book, scenario 7)

Da N00bz are not happy – Nazgrab’s Yella Deff have a couple of their missing lads and their beloved war trukk, Keith.

Not for long, or so goes the plan. A daring raid is attempted whilst most of the mob are away from the fort, wish them luck!

The boyz are out, but some of the older lads are still home, namely Nazgrab, Grimfang and Choppablock.

Unfortunately, only Grimfang manages to dodge the hail of gunfire delivered by Da Not So N00bz as they approach the walls.

Both Nazgrab and Choppablock go down! Dakka! Dakka!

Luckily for Nazgrab, all the commotion was loud enough to be heard by the rest of the mob in a nearby canyon. Rushing back on both Krunch and Grin, the boyz open fire and cut a swathe through the attackers. 44137589
Da Not So N00bz storm the fort, clambering over the walls and freeing their imprisoned comrades.

Nazgrab is back on his feet and attempts a jumping charge from the ramparts. Sadly for him, Eugene has his choppa conveniently waiting for him and the poor Morker nob goes down.

Meanwhile, Choppablock and Grimfang join the melee that has broken out at the foot of the walls. It’s not long before a resounding “thud!” is heard as one of the Gorkers takes Choppablock down. Ouch.

Excellent use of krak stikkbombz sees Da Not So N00bz blow the bloody doors off and fire up Keith.

Nazgrab’s boyz have had enough! They’re offski!

Da Not So N00bz reclaim their boyz and their ride, taking a few moments to leave a few “presents” for the fort’s absent residents..


Result: Victory to Da Not So N00bz

Transcribed from play-by-play Twitter updates:

Da N00bz vs. Nazgrab’s Yella Deff
Scenario: We Woz ‘Ere Furst(Da Uvver Book, scenario 2)

The bitter rivals have once again found themselves facing off, will Da N00bz take back their stolen pride?

Once again Grimfang, Da Yella Deff’s de facto second in command is manning Grin, the mob’s buggy. Zagwazza goes a little pale as he sees Keith, Da N00bz enormous trukk barrelling towards him!


Driving comes naturally to Morkers, otherwise Grin would have been toast. Today Mork smiled upon Zagwazza and Grin pulled through moderately unscathed.

The same could not be said for Keith! Its driver, Leonard, tried valiantly but the lads were headed straight for that very solid-looking hill. Crunch!

That was Keith immobilised again, ouch.

What Da N00bz lack in driving skills, they certainly make up for in sheer numbers. Stacks of warriors spill forth from Keith, blades and shootas at the ready.. 42920836
Remember Vern from the previous match? He tried to take out the Yella Deff’s first grot, Snik, and got run down in return.

Well, this time Grimfang wasn’t feeling so merciful, his hand-to-hand skills sharp after the last game. Down goes Vern!

Nazgrab’s boys manage to take down four of Da N00bz but is it enough?

Not to be put off so easily, their nerve holds.

Just because a few lads went down, ain’t reason to be giving up. Eugene urges on his boyz! 42929948
With Krunch closing in and the rest of Da Yella Deff not far behind, a desperate plan is hatched.

The lads may not be able to make it back to the trukk to claim the scrap on their own, but maybe by passing it from one lad to the other..?

Let’s play “Pass Da Scrap”!

Innovative tactics just weren’t enough. Several of Da N00bz legged it with the scrap they were carrying, but this victory went to Nazgrab, who grabbed two of Da N00bz (and their trukk!) and dragged them back to his fort. 42938564

Nazgrab’s lads currently hold two captive orks and a trukk. Da N00bz are plotting their revenge..

Result: Victory to Nazgrab’s Yella Deff.

Transcribed from play-by-play Twitter updates:

Nazgrab’s Yella Deff vs. Ross’ Freebootaz (unnamed for now)
Scenario: Lootas (Da Uvver Book, scenario 3)

This time around the tables have been turned, although Da N00bz are nowhere to be found. Instead there appear to be some zoggin’ freebootaz on the rampage.

Krasher mans Krunch’s big grabber again, tearing the bandits’ undercarriage off, immobilising them. Score.

Their ride may be down but these pirates aren’t going to let that keep them down.

On foot they start gathering as much scrap as possible, putting them in a good position to come out the victors of this scrape.

Whatz dat, da boss iz in trubble?! Let’z go!

Grin flies onto the board to help nail these pesky thieves, putting the morkers at a significant advantage in terms of movement.

Seeing reinforcements on the way, the boyz take heart and lay down some covering fire. Nazgrab’s shoota hits da kaptin, but the rich git was wearing armour! Argh! 42882579
The backup lads are in the fray now, hopefully they can do some good! 42887093
Choppas and blood flies in all directions as a huge scrap breaks out around the freebootaz’ vehicle. Can they hold steady? 42889443
Grimfang has learnt his lesson since last game, picking his targets. Amazingly Mork smiles on him this time.

The slaver charges and then follows up in a split second butchering three freebootaz in one go!


Meanwhile, Nazgrab and Da Kaptin are at each other’s throats.

Steal me scrap?! I’ll clobber yer!


It’s all over, with just one freeboota left on the board, they scarpered!

Result: Victory to Nazgrab’s Yella Deff

When preparing for our Gorkamorka campaign we ran into a minor issue – modern 40K orks don’t have kannons or six-shootas. There’s other weapons like crossbows too, but those two were the biggies.
I have some old GM kannons, but they look positively weedy in the hands of a modern ork boy. I’m wondering how others get around this issue?

My personal solution was to sculpt my own kannon and cast it in resin:


I think my second attempt has gone significantly better, my resin pouring skills are still lacking, but I feel the mould came out much better on this six-shoota. Hopefully you guys will like it:


Transcribed from play-by-play Twitter updates:

Da N00bz vs. Nazgrab’s Yella Deff
Scenario: Lootas (Da Uvver Book, scenario 3)

Da N00bz have been diggin’ scrap today, but Nazgrab and his lads are feeling greedy..

Lots of yummy scrap was up for grabs, although Da N00bz might still make a break for it and take the fruits of their labour with them, if only they could get their gas turbines back online.

Nazgrab’s buggy, Krunch rams Keith, Da N00bz’ trukk, immobilising itself!
Luckily it wasn’t all bad news, Da N00bz boy Sid was taken out in crash of steel on steel.
With Krunch out of commission, there was nothing else to do but open fire. Gubzo let loose with his twin-linked shoota, peppering Keith and damaging its upper cog links, reducing its movement.

It should be noted that this is the first time that the weapon hasn’t jammed or run out of ammo!

Da N00bz step up and start taking shots at Krunch as the crew cower behind the little cover the buggy affords. Vern’s rain of slugga fire pins the Yella Deff’s grot, Snik – get yer ‘ed down! 41447025
Vern’s cheers are short-lived however, as the Yella Deff’s trukk, Grin, arrives to lend some support. Down goes the poor lad as Zagwazza runs him over.

Now for a field run of the mob’s brand new gubbinz, a vicious looking big grabber. Krasher mans the controls and tears the nob pins from Keith, immobilising it for the rest of the game. Ouch!

It’s all getting a bit much for Da N00bz and they start to retreat, trying to cut their losses. 41453051
Grimfang, the Yella Deff’s slaver fancies himself as a bit of a ‘ard nut and tries to take on one of Da N00bz. No such luck, he goes down like a sack of spuds. Better luck next time, mate. 41454973
Choppablock, an old hand deciding to get back into the hunt for scrap. Hailing from the old days he’s finally healed up and ready to give it a go. It shows too as he takes on Duhwayne from Da N00bz and is able to keep him at bay for two rounds without result. Hang in there, lad. 41458355
Krukzog decides to make himself useful and skewers Da N00bz leader, Eugene, with a harpoon, putting him down. 41460885
With that the game is over, Da N00bz scarpered and Nazgrab’s Yella Deff cleaned up all that juicy scrap.

Unfortunately, despite this victory, there were casualties. Grimfang ended up at the dok’s with a head wound and came out with a twinging head, seems something might have been left behind..

Not so lucky was Thogskin, who that dastardly Vern actually killed! You’ll not be forgotten, my son!

Result: Victory to Nazgrab’s Yella Deff.