30 Jul 2015
Filed under: News
What’s the old saying? “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy” ?
The same is true of gaming rules, as we all know. Azzabat and his fellow gamers in Bristol have been playing Gorkamorka with Flamekebab’s Ork Outlaw MC rules and hammering them on the anvil of experience. What started out as a few questions has got well out of hand and ended up as a fully-fledged revision effort.
Current changes:
- Bad Meks now cost 8 Teef, not 12.
- Mektown: Bad Meks may carry out D3 upgrades/repairs rather than visiting Mektown.
- Nomads can generate income just like Full Patch Members (D6)
- Banditz rule: riders are now able to shoot even if they turned during the movement phase.
- Fell off da back of a trukk… rule: All gear gets a discount of 1 Toof (Weapons, armour, gubbinz)
- Glyph Tatz – Snakebite changed entirely (“When passing within 1” of a model on foot he may make a single attack with a hand-to-hand weapon in addition to the effects of the squashing rules”).
- Glyph Tatz – Blood Axe changed entirely (“This Ork is has a strategic streak – he may shoot at any point during his movement.”).
- Nice Place Ya Got ‘Ere… skill may be taken by Nomads
- Leadership challenge conditions changed: “If the mob’s profit is lower than half the Prezident’s leadership (rounding up)”
There’s a forum topic on YakTribe for the revision and the document itself can be viewed and commented on here:
(No Google account required)
Tags: Orks
Some time ago Forgeworld released the “Chinork“. A large Ork helicopter with twin rotors and bags of style. Some time later Ramshackle Games released their own ‘Copter. In 2012 Ogrebane put some rules together and being the nice chap that he is licensed them under Creative Commons. Now to come up with some fun ways of taking out those flying loonies…
We’ve laid these rules out as part of the Gorkamorka Heritage Project. There’s a tag here on tUGS for documents released as part of it in case you’re interested to see what else has come out of it so far. There’s quite a lot of documents we’re still trying to reach the authors of (how many of you still have the same email addresses you had in the late 1990s!). Check out one of the forum threads that Flamekebab has created about the project to learn more – The Waaagh, Specialist Games, DakkaDakka.
Ah yes, the document we were talking about before. Get it here:
Download PDF
This document was written by Aris Tottle and was edited by Liam Davenport, Benjamin Fox, and Ross Graham. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout was made by Benjamin Fox using images created by Jenny Mathiasson and is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Tags: Da Reklamashun, Orks
19 Mar 2015
Filed under: General
Today we’ve got something that’s more of a completionist piece than anything else. It’s the original article from the month the old Scorcha model was released (White Dwarf 220). Well, technically it was the new scorcha model as the original was released in 1989/1990 but you get the idea!
This article contains both the 2nd edition Warhammer 40,000 rules for the Scorcha and the Gorkamorka rules for it. The latter seems a bit odd as the issue was well into 1998 and the rules for Scorchas have always been in Da Roolz. Slow month for content, maybe..?
Anyway, there’s a download link below. It’s about 11 MB – probably not an issue but a heads-up for anyone accessing the file from a slower data connection just in case.
Download PDF
Tags: Orks
6 Feb 2015
Filed under: Battle Reports, General, News
There’s rumbling on the Facebook group about the next meetup although a date hasn’t been settled on just yet. If you’re interested pop over and let the guys know when works for you.
Last time was apparently a proper bash and there’s a full report over on YakTribe courtesy of ineptmule.

The meetups take place at Warhammer World in Nottingham: