Before we go into scenarios for Da Town and the extra rules which exist you first need to understand a little about map layout.

You’ve no doubt seen some photos of our buildings under construction but I don’t know if you realised that they were built to a careful plan. We could of course just create whatever shape of buildings we felt like but that could lead to some fairly unbalanced games. Instead we planned out a layout that would provide a nice mix of cover, bottlenecks, elevation, and general chaos.


As you can probably see, in the middle there’s a big empty space, the market square. This serves as the focal point for the map as well as the main crossroads for all in-game traffic. Heading off it are multiple “big roads”:


The idea here was to ensure that there was at least three routes into or out of the square for vehicles. If a mob is trying to get in, or defend the area, there’s not just a single way in, forcing the players to spread their forces out.

The mekshop and brew house are not highlighted above as they don’t lead anywhere. In actuality they have arches allowing a vehicle to drive right through them, also handy as a deployment location for a scenario.

There’s also several breakable fences, should a player wish to risk smashing through them, highlighted below:


Next thing to point out is that in addition to those there are a great many places through which mounted models can find their way (i.e. Muties, Orks, Diggas, and Dust Rats on bikes, Feral Ork squig riders, Snortas, etc..). These are labelled below:


As you can see, mounted warriors have a bit of an extra advantage here. Foot models can of course also use these routes but they don’t have the speed that mounts confer.

Returning to the main map there’s a the verticality aspect of things. Instead of the mostly flat plain that Gorkamorka is normally played on one instead has alleys, roof tops, and interconnected roof top escape routes. These walkways aren’t illustrated on the map as we tend to change them each game to keep things fresh. Some of the larger ones can also be traversed by mounts, allowing one to rain fire down from the roof tops. There’s nothing like a biker chasing a warrior throwing stikkbombs down on him!


The Dok’s serjery is on a relatively tall hill, creating a vantage point for warriors with decent ranged weaponry such as Muties, Diggas with archeotek gunz, and Dust Rats. On the other side of the map there’s the two storey slaver barracks, the mek shop, and the brew houses. Sluggas and six shootas can be handy in an alley but there’s something delightful about catching a warrior out in the open at range!

Next we’ll be providing the tiered rule sets for Da Town but in the mean time you should have a bit of a think about your town design.

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Hello folks! Here’s a little bit of fiction that describes how Da Town came to be. It’s a little haven for the freaks of Orkoid society who don’t quite fit in even by the weirdness of a large Orky encampment. Each of the named characters in where will hopefully acquire a mini-campaign suited to their profession in the future. These scenarios could also be inserted into a larger campaign and will include some which can be run “solo” to help mobs that are falling drastically behind possibly make up the ground in experience or teef. There will also be some special items only obtainable as a result of these scenarios that I’ve got in the back of my mind. So without further ado…!

Da Town

Once upon a time a few years back, an ambitious young Mekboy by the name of Brazzop went out looking for scrap and found a doozy of a pile. Rather than share it out and put it towards the construction of Gorkamorka, the Mek hatched a cunnin’ plan. He built his workshop around the scrap and gained a reputation for making quality vehicle gubbinz, using his superior pile of scrap to make them da shootiest and da loudest. As a result, a small town grew up around the workshop away from the eyes of the Big Mekz and their unerring devotion to Gorkamorka.

First came the brewhouses, one each for Gork and Mork, as Orks are a deeply religious people and can’t be drinking in a pub that isn’t in favour with their Godz. Then came Cookie who reasoned that Orks who were waiting for vehicle repairs and drinking in the pubs would need some top quality grub to keep them ready for the fightin’ of the day and built a slop shop. Cookie knows fine Orky food and keeps a small squig pen where he breeds the special ingredients that are rare in Mektown and can only be afforded by the very richest and most iron stomached of Nobz. Once a week when there’s a caravan headed to Mektown, he sends one of his boyz to pick up the essentials and sell on any spare exotic squingredients he has.

Dok Biskap has a small serjery on the hillside where he tends to those who survive the pub brawls and those who are a bit more reckless with their personal health. He left Mektown in rather a hurry after an unfortunate incident involving a Kustom Thrusta Boosta being attached to the mouth of a Nob who was less than pleased about its location. Of course, due to the placement of the boosta, the nob hasn’t actually managed to tell anyone who did it to him without it being drowned out in a blaze of flames and smoke but the Dok felt it was time for him to move on and avoid any unnecessary bad press.

Of course, it’s a dangerous place to set up shop out in the sand without the protection of the walls that surround Mektown with sandscorpions, Mutie raiders and curious Dust Rats poking around all over the place so life is a little more fraught out here. A small cadre of retired Orkz act as town guards though they’re more concerned with filling their faces in the slop shop than maintaining order. They know all the legends and rumours about what goes on in the desert and can still hold their own in any given fight. Often the threat of their jackboots being stuck somewhere unpleasant is enough to dissuade the less reckless from starting any big trouble in the town.

Add to that the bonus that the Big Meks aren’t actually watching what you are doing and suddenly Da Town opens up a whole load of possibilities for Boyz who can think Big! Da Town also acts as a haven for Freebootaz, Bikerz and other outcasts of Orky society. While mobz loyal to the Big Mekz also frequent the area, there’s no real reason to start a proper rumble unless there’s a real profit to be made. And all the real profit is made by one particular ork, Abak Manyfingaz!

To be Continued…

Will these Orks change the course of history on Angelis? When are Biskaps disgruntled patients going to catch up with him? Is Brazzop in for a kicking from boyz sent by the Big Mekz? And who is Abak Manyfingaz? Keep a bionik eye out folks!

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Greetings fellow Gorkers and/or Morkers! As part of the continuing tradition of Orktober, we present to you a look at what is coming up this week, Da Town, a little slice of Orky life outside the walls of Mektown.


Da Town offers something that Gorkamorka tends to avoid on the basis of its difficult to manoeuvre vehicles inside an urban area and the best scrap tends to be found out in the desert. But scrap isn’t the only thing that has value on Angelis. Delicious fungus beer, squig meat, and slaves all have some value to all the parties out in the desert. Not to mention this is a place where the Big Mekz aren’t paying too close attention to what is going on, allowing Freebootaz and Bikerz to conduct their shady deals without worrying too much about what’s going on.


In terms of mechanics the town opens up a host of new possibilities for how to handle movement and other special actions. However we know not everyone wants these so the rules for Da Town will be split into two parts, one set of Basic rules which only add a few things that aren’t covered by the stuff in the rulebooks and an Advanced set which will cover the more complicated actions that can occur. Scenarios will also have additional rules added which are optional for those who wish for a more involved experience and like things like NotMobz making their day better or worse. Either way if you’re just looking for some new terrain or want to add a new level of depth to the campaigns that you can conduct while playing Gorkamorka, Da Town has something for everybody!


So over the next week or two we’ll have a bunch of stuff for you to look at and maybe implement yourselves. Flamekebab will be showing you how to construct these buildings for very reasonable prices, though little Grotz might need an adult to help them with the cutting of bitz. There’s also scenarios in the works which will be released, allowing for all mobs to have a go at the town as well as some mob specific ones that relate to the background of those mobs. Rebel Grotz in particular will gain their first unique scenario from the arrival of Da Town. More on that later. There’s also some good old fashioned Gorkerz vs. Morkerz stuff for all the purists out there who haven’t yet managed to scrounge up a copy of Digganob yet as well!

I’ve also put together a little bit of fiction to describe how this place came about and to describe the major players in Da Town who will also hopefully gain mini-campaign scenarios relating to them. There’s also a 3 scenario mini-campaign dedicated to Da Town which features some new mechanics and helpful rules clarifications for dealing with stuff that GW never dreamed of back in the day. Those intrigued should dust off their weapons and get ready to Goff Rok!

Good luck out there! Stay Green!

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Happy Orktober one and all!

We’d not forgotten, whatever you ‘orrible lot might think. We’ve got some fun stuff in store for you this month that should keep GoMo nice and fresh. We’ll not be posting stuff every day like last year as we’re a bit too busy with our own lives for that, however we do plan to give you a whole load of content starting today.

Flamekebab has been scribbling away at some simple but effective rules for Freebooter Snazzguns. Clayton humoured the daft git with some rather tasty artwork too so check out the document below.

This is the first in a series of item releases that totally aren’t building towards anything, no matter what anyone might say…

Download PDF

Edit: A new PDF has been created using the more modern template.

This document was written by Benjamin Fox and contains artwork created by Clayton Tait. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Tork’s Terrorz vs. Da Boot Of Da Proletariat
Scenario: Lootas (Da Uvver Book, scenario 3)

Tork’s Terrorz (200) are finally starting to get some respect in Mektown and are looking to capitalise on the momentum and ensure no Ork spits in their pints any more (or at least while they’re watching). Da Boot of Da Proletariat (152) are just starting out and really need a win. So far their head honcho, Vlad, has mostly been writing speeches and the GRC think it’s high time he started pulling his weight.setup


Da Plan – Tork’s Terrorz

So, we done custom, I meanz kustomised the speargun, and Larz is packin’ a spiffy new (old) shoota. That oughta impress those stuck-up green gitz in Mektown!

But they wasn’t too impressed when Ansvark’s spiffy new (old) choppa ‘sploded in his face last time. Maybe we should be more kunnin’ and pick on someone smaller.

They think, I meanz fink, we don’t see them ridin’ dis way, but a Digga can out-sneak a Grot any day. We blendz into da desert betta!


Da Plan – Da Boot of Da Proletariat

With da high windz today we shall utilise our extra speed to swoop in with our cuttas. Ded nippy in this weather!

Meanwhile the splattapult onboard da big lugga, as well as small armz fire from same will try to keep dem Diggas distracterised long enuff to cover da cuttas escape.

Trust me, ladz, we’ll be fine!


Turn 1

speargun-1Spotting Vlad’s crew closing in Tork’s lads locked and loaded, heading straight for the Big Lugga with malicious intent. Balthazark, the mob’s shaman, grinned widely at the prospect of using the newly upgraded spear gun although his excitement was somewhat stymied by a minor stoppage after the first volley.

Peppering the enormous grot vehicle with spears was satisfying but despite penetrating its flimsy armour with ease very little actual damage seemed to occur.


Larz felt it was best to grab some of the scrap and prepare to intercept any Grots feeling particularly possessive.


Vlad decided to lead the cutta’s kiting attempt, pushing along the edge of the big dune and towards the filthy lucre. With the wind kicking up to gale proportions it was easy to travel 15”.

The other cutta was less fortunate, realising that the movement of the Digga trukk blocked the only way in for it. With minced curses the plucky green crew hopped off and lifted the whole vehicle, shuffling it into a 90° turn to starboard.

The big lugga, under the command of the banna waver pushed forward towards the Diggas, hoping for a ram and some good use of their new splattapult. Sluggas, six-shootas, and a single shoota were levelled at the Digga trukk but to no avail. Skee eyed the range and did his best but with a mighty twang he could only watch as the burna load he’d spent so long preparing spattered harmlessly on some barricades, leaving the enemy vehicle unscathed.


Turn 2

Wasting no time a neat thrust by Tork put the Digga trukk in the safe zone within which the splattapult could not hit them. Meanwhile Balthazark had cleared the stoppage and rattled off six spears in fewer seconds, exhausting his supply in doing so. This time the results were much more noticeable though as a direct hit on the cogs powering the huge vehicle were hit, exploding everywhere and throwing green skins in every direction!


larzLarz was not sitting on his hands and letting the rest of the lads have all the fun. Putting down the scrap he was lugging he hefted his new toy at the oncoming cutta. With a mighty “BRAKKA BRAKKA!” he found himself the proud owner of a fully-automatic shotgun, an easy match for any Ork kannon. Firing it felt good, but not for the grots! Vlad watched as the hull and sail of the cutta he was on rapidly became little more than holes connected by fine metal strips. Argh!

With two vehicles down and four lads out of action already Vlad couldn’t take the pressure and bottled, despite Flamekebab’s protestations and the GRC’s “Not A Single Step Back!” policy.



Vlad-LaykaOf the grots taken out of action all made a full recovery, with the exception of Gorba, who Tork captured. The Big Lugga was patched up but became unreliable while the cutta was back up and running with minimal fuss.

Due to the big difference in mob ratings every grot levelled up, although Layka gained Impressive Scars and challenged for leadership, feeling Vlad had been given his chance.

A fight was held and Vlad cut the upstart down giving him a beating to remember. At least the head honcho got to save some face!

Aside from that not a single toof was earned, leaving the mob somewhat downcast.

Tork on the other hand was pleased as punch, taking home seven scrap counters. When combined with all the other income earned by the mob the lads rolled into Mektown with more teef than a shiver of squigsharks (Skippy actually hit the maximum bracket for income, earning over 50 teef before expenses!).


Result: Victory to Tork’s Terrorz.

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