The fungus groves in the Howling Hills aren’t as empty as first thought and now you and the other residents of Angelis can find out why. Those pesky Feral Orks have emerged at last and they’re out there now, in search of yummiez and fightin’…

Just like with the Dust Rats, feedback on the Feral Ork rules can go in the comments, or over on the relevant topic on The Waaagh.

bigboy-and-weirdboyIf you want quick links to the individual components of this PDF you can head over to the summary post.

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This document was written by Liam Davenport, Benjamin Fox, Ross Graham, and Matt McPherson. It’s  licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The layout graphics were created by Benjamin Fox. The artwork above was created by Clayton Tait.



Suddenly: RULES!

Yes, it may seem a bit crazy, but we’ve just published just about everything for The Feral Orks. They’re beta rules, of course, but we’ve done our best to test them out; Skippy and Flamekebab have been running weekly tests sometimes with the help of Mattzm and Depiff.

As we said with the Dust Rats:

This is an open beta test, which means that these rules are not finalised and some things may be changed before the final release. That said, we encourage you to try out the rules and give us feedback as that is what this is for. We can test them in-house but we’re only a small group of people and we simply don’t have enough time to try out every permutation. So, please, try out the rules and tell us which bits are broken or unbalanced!


The complete PDF is done now and you can get it here.

Download PDF


Wot? No PDF?

There will be a PDF soon. Flamekebab is being dragged from his lair as we speak to be put to work in the DTP mine. With any luck they’ll be done by early next week. In the meantime this post should make it easier to find what you’re looking for.


Leadership Challenges

In a Feral Ork mob it comes down to who is the biggest and toughest to lead, regardless of smarts, planz, or any other clever stuff. Feral Orks know where they stand when it comes to being da ‘ardest and so if a Wildboy ends significantly ‘Arder than the mob’s current Brute, he’s going to make it clear who the new boss is.

If a Wildboy’s Strength and Toughness characteristics exceed those of the current mob leader a leadership challenge will occur at the earliest opportunity, as per the Pit Fights rules on page 66 of Da Uvver Book. Ignore results of Shooty in the restrictions table on page 67 of Da Uvver Book, instead treat a roll of 1, 2, or 3 as Cunnin’ and a roll of 4+ as ‘Ard.

Only Wildboyz will ever challenge the Brute as Fickies are too thick to try and the Weirdboy has enough on his plate summoning the powers of the beyond!


Driver and Gunner Disputes

Feral Orks may be dimmer than most but they still know an important job when they see it and firing the Spika Cannon or telling the Squiggoth where to go is a coveted position, sometimes carrying with it extra yummies if they do well. As a result, Driver and Gunner disputes are resolved just like any other Ork mob (See "Slop Shops and Brewhouses", page 66 of Da Uvver Book).


Deaths of Warriors

Just as with normal mobs, if a Feral Ork dies all of his equipment is lost and cannot be re-allocated to another model (see "Death of a Warrior", page 68 of Da Uvver Book).


Death of a Leader

Sometimes the bigger they are, the harder they fall and they don’t come much bigger than the Brutes. When a Brute dies as a result of battle, the pecking order is almost immediately re-established. Add the Strength and Toughness of each Wildboy together and the one with the highest total number is designated the new Brute. In the event of a tie resolve a leadership challenge as detailed above. If there are no Wildboyz in the mob then you must hire one at the earliest opportunity.

Feral Orks and Other Mobs


Feral Orks and Captives

Feral Orks will never pay or accept a ransom but will exchange captives. Should that not be an option one rescue attempt may be made but if it fails then the warrior is killed and all equipment lost. Feral Orks cannot make use of any weapons or equipment a captive had but they don’t go hungry either, which is represented by some extra income from the captive. Muties and their mount have plenty of meat on them and earn a mob 2D6 teef, Orks are provide D6 teef of yummies, as do tasty Diggas and Dust Rats, Grots are only worth D3 teef, and Snots are nothing but a mouthful and so give nothing.

Captured vehicles cannot be eaten, although one or two fickies are bound to try, but the shiny parts can be bartered with other Feral Orks for 3D6 teef.


Feral Orks as Captives

As previously mentioned, Feral Orks will exchange captives but cannot pay ransoms and must instead play a rescue scenario. As with normal mobs, equipment captured with a warrior who is not exchanged may be kept and used by the capturing mob, with the exception of Brute equipment (Big Hamma and Iron Hide). Feral Orks can be forced to work in mines but will only ever generate D3 teef each.

Squiggoths/Squig mounts captured by enemies behave as if they were vehicles in terms of selling them off for scrap as they provide a nice slab of squig meat for those in desperate need of some munchin’ (see page 54 of Da Uvver Book).


Feral Ork Experience

Like any other mob, Feral Orks gain experience over time, growing more leathery and less gentle. How much fightin’ prowess a warrior has when he joins a mob varies and is reflected in game terms by the chart below:

Type of Warrior

Initial Experience Points









Underdog bonuses and Experience bonuses apply as normal for Feral Orks. The table below indicates when a Feral Ork has earned enough experience to roll on the Feral Ork Advance Table, or Fickie Advance Table.

Exp. Points




Squig Bait

Starting level for Fickies








Starting level for Wildboyz. Fickies who reach this level gain +1 Toughness.






Starting level for Weirdboyz.






Starting level for Brutes.









‘Ard Case


‘Ard Case


Tuff Git


Tuff Git






Big Chief


Big Chief




Warriors who reach this level may not advance any further.

When a Brute, Weirdboy, or Wildboy advances to the next bracket on the above table they may roll once on the Feral Ork Advance Table:

2D6 Result
2 Know-wots. Choose any of the skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.
3-4 Know-wots. Select one of the standard skill tables for the mob and randomly generate a skill from it.
5 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks
6 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS
7 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Initiative;
4-6 = +1 Leadership
8 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 BS; 4-6 = +1 WS
9 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Wounds;
4-6 = +1 Toughness
10-11 Know-wots. Select one of the standard skill tables for the mob and randomly generate a skill from it.
12 Know-wots. Choose any of the skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it.

Fickies are of course not as susceptible to learning, or progression of any kind and so roll on the Fickie Advance Table when they level up:

2D6 Result
2 Late Bloomer This particular Fickie isn’t quite as dense as his brethren and the repeated kicks to the head have finally got his brain up to speed. The Fickie becomes a Wildboy and behaves as one from now on, including for future advances.
3-4 Small Victories After many days of toil the Fickie has at last learnt something. Admittedly it might be the difference between day time and sleep time, but he’s improving. The Fickie gains no advance.
5 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks
6 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS
7 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Initiative;
4-6 = +1 Leadership
8 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 BS; 4-6 = +1 WS
9 ‘Arder. Roll a D6:
1-3 = +1 Wounds;
4-6 = +1 Toughness
10-11 Small Victories After many days of toil the Fickie has at last learnt something. Admittedly it might be the difference between day time and sleep time, but he’s improving. The Fickie gains no advance.
12 Late Bloomer This particular Fickie isn’t quite as dense as his brethren and the repeated kicks to the head have finally got his brain up to speed. The Fickie becomes a Wildboy and behaves as one from now on, including for future advances.

The maximum characteristics for any Feral Ork warrior are listed below. Should an advance raise the stat above its maximum, the other option must be taken instead. If both stats are already at their maximum then one other may be raised by 1, as per the normal advance rules on page 58 of Da Uvver Book.

Max Value M WS BS S T W I A Ld
FERAL ORK 4 6 5 5 5 3 4 3 9

The chart below details which skill tables different Feral Orks may normally roll on should they get a Know-wots result on the advance table.

  Muscle Ferocity Driving Cunnin’ Dakka Odd Feral
Brute Y Y N N/A N Y Y
Weirdboy N N Y N/A N Y Y
Wildboy Y Y Y N/A N N Y
Fickie N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Feral Orks can never, under any circumstances, gain Cunnin’ skills. As stated previously, Fickies do not gain skills. Re-roll results of Bomber on the Dakka skill table and Tinkerer on the Odd table.

Feral Skill Table

These special Feral Skills allow the brightest of Feral Orks to find a niche in the mob.

  1. Hunta-Gavara – Boyz with this skill will add an extra D6 to their income rolls.
  2. Yella – There’s a good set of pipes on this boy! The warrior can also contribute a Leadership roll to prevent Animosity from occurring. When rolling, roll the Brute (or leading Ork) as normal and then roll the Yella. If the Yella’s result is better, use it, if not, ignore the result. Brutes with this skill may roll twice and choose the best result.
  3. Opposable Thumbz – The warrior has quite the knack for finding handholds when climbing. He may re-roll a failed initiative test when attempting to board a vehicle.
  4. Squig Whispera – The model gains +1 to his Leadership for rolls to prevent Squiggly Beasts going out of control.
  5. Ceremonial Mutilation – The Warrior is covered in ritualistic scars and has carved bone fragments protruding from various parts of his head. His bizarre appearance causes Fear.
  6. Knuckle Under – The Ork moves like a large gorilla, knuckling across the terrain. Any hit or shot made against him has a 6+ unmodifiable save to account for his odd movement style.



Weirdboyz can roll on the Waaagh!! skill table in place of another skill table. Roll a D6 to determine which power a Weirdboy gains. See the Weirdboyz section.

Feral Ork Income

After a battle Feral Orks gather yummies and shinies, look after their Squigs, and so forth. Brutes boss others around, Weirdboys, well, it’s best not to ask, and the rest make sure the mob eats. Each Wildboy and Fickie that doesn’t suffer a serious injury in the preceding battle may forage. Wildboyz earn D6 teef whereas Fickies only earn D3 teef, although what they’re getting is only measured in teef for player convenience (Much like with Muties).

Once total income is calculated, including extra income from scrap counters, ‘Ardboyz bonuses, skills, etcetera, it should be normalised by putting it through the chart on page 65 of Da Uvver Book. The total number of models includes Squiggoths, but Squig Riders/Boar Riders count as one model.

Hunting and foraging in the fungus groves is not a particularly safe pursuit, particularly when the surrounding flora has a longer attention span than most of the fauna. Should three or more sixes be rolled by foraging Orks then something nasty has happened probably involving sharp teeth and quite possibly venom too. One random Fickie, eager in his stupidity, has tried to outdo the big hauls of his brethren and ventures into Ere Be No Stuff, the wilderness has him now. Remove him from your roster along with any equipment he was carrying. If no Fickies are foraging, ignore the result.

Healing Feral Orks

There are no Doks in the mushroom groves and Feral Orks cannot be taken to Mektown. Any serious injuries sustained are permanent.

Healing and Gubbinz for Squiggoths

Roll a D6 per scrap counter fed to the Squiggoth and consult the table. You may feed it any number of counters. Each scrap counter fed to a Squiggoth adds D3 to its value, regardless of the result rolled. Scrap counters used in this way provide no additional income for the mob.

  • 1 Chomp
    The Fickie feeding the Squiggoth clearly wasn’t careful enough, and wandered too close to its jaws! This Fickie is dead; remove him and all his equipment from the roster sheet. As squiggoth-feeding is a dangerous job, it’s usually the least experienced Fickies who are tasked with it, in order to toughen them up, although you may elect to lose a more experienced Fickie if you prefer. Roll again on this table, re-rolling further results of 1, to see what effect the scrap has on the Squiggoth.
  • 2 Aghkk!
    Either the scrap has gotten stuck in the Squiggoth’s throat or it just doesn’t agree with the beast! Roll on the permanent damage table for this Squiggoth, re-rolling results of Dead, Badly Mangled and Captured.
  • 3 Yummy!
    The Squiggoth seems pleased with his meal, but the scrap has no noticeable effect beyond this.
  • 4-5 Good Boy
    The Squiggoth is in a good mood after such a nice treat. All Leadership checks to control him are at +1 for the next game in which he participates.
  • 6-7 All Better
    The scrap has accelerated the Squiggoth’s natural healing process. One randomly determined permanent injury is now healed.
  • 8 Growlier
    The Squiggoth has developed a second set of vocal chords, or possibly even a second head! He now rolls 2D6 instead of just D6 for Revvin’ and Shoutin’ tests.
  • 9 Tail weapon
    The Squiggoth’s tail mutates to grow spikes, scythes, a bony club or similar. The Snapping Jaws bonus now applies to hits on infantry models at the rear as well as the front of the Squiggoth. The Tail Weapon counts as Gubbinz, and may be damaged by enemy attacks as normal. A Squiggoth may have more than one tail weapon, but there is no additional effect beyond having a back-up Gubbinz if one is shot off.
  • 10 ‘Arder
    The Squiggoth’s hide hardens, and it counts as having the Armour Plates gubbin. It can gain this mutation multiple times, but as normal it cannot get an Armour Plates save better than 4+.
  • 11 More Stompy
    The Squiggoth becomes heavier; maybe its bones are denser, or maybe its muscles bulge more than before. Either way, it’s better at stomping puny Trukks and the like now! The Squiggoth now participates in rams with vehicles as a normal Trak. If this result is rolled a second time, it counts as having the Reinforced Ram Gubbinz as well. If it’s rolled a third time, the Squiggoth becomes Supa Stompy and may apply its Reinforced Ram bonus to all hits inflicted in a ram, not just one. Note that none of these upgrades affect sideswipes; no matter how stompy he gets, a Squiggoth still needs to keep his balance!
  • 12 Pep!
    After eating the scrap, the Squiggoth feels like a young pup again. Its maximum thrust move is improved by 1″.
  • 13 Spike Squig
    The Squiggoth sprouts mean-looking spikes from its hide, and counts as having the Spiky Gubbinz. If it was already Spiky or rolls this result twice, it counts as being Extra Spiky. Note that spikes cannot improve the strength of Snapping Jaws.
  • 14 Tuff
    Part of the Squiggoth mutates and becomes more muscular. Roll a D6 to determine a hit location; the armour value of this location is increased by 1. Each location can only become Tuff once.
  • 15 Big Mouf
    The Squiggoth’s mouth mutates as it chews, and becomes an even deadlier weapon. Roll a D6; on a 1-3 the Squiggoth’s mouth can be used as a Big Grabba, on a 4-6 it may be used as a Wrecker Ball. Unlike the vehicle-mounted versions of these Gubbinz, they are controlled by the Squiggoth’s driver rather than a crew member, but he cannot fire a weapon if the Big Mouf is used.
  • 16 Bad Blood
    Nothing has changed that’s obvious from the outside, but there are big changes on the inside! From now on, if models on the ground are within 2“ of the Squiggoth when it takes a penetrating hit to the Squishy Bitz they will take a S3 hit on a 4+ as they are burned by its blood. Obviously the Squiggoth itself is immune to this! If this result is rolled again, increase the strength of the hit by 1.
  • 17 Bad Breff
    Something’s brewing inside this beast! The Squiggoth may now breathe forth flames, plasma, noxious gas or some other unpleasant substance in the shooting phase. This shooting is directed by the driver, so the Squiggoth must be under his control at the time, and he may not fire any other weapons or operate a Big Mouf. Bad breff counts as Gubbinz and has the same shooting profile as a Skorcha.
  • 18+ Stuffed!
    The Squiggoth has eaten his fill and with a contented sigh, settles down to sleep. He cannot be woken and must miss the next game. Roll again on this table (with the same number of dice), re-rolling further results of 18 or more, to determine what effects the scrap has on him while he sleeps.

Fighty Bitz


While lacking the finesse and adornments of a Mektown made Choppa or Club, these a big lumps of sharp metal and heavy stone that allow Fickies and Wildboyz to inflict just as much damage.

See page 53 of Da Roolz for the statline.


‘Uge Choppa/Club

A particularly large chunk of debris, tossed into the Howling Hills, stuck on the tree-trunk like branches of the mushrooms that grow in the Howling Hills and given to the most focussed looking Wildboy is a recipe for carnage at the best of times.

See page 53 of Da Roolz for the statline.



Ideal for hunting small squigs at range and dealing with larger ones up close, these are one of the simplest weapons ever made. Good thing too as the guys wielding them might be the stupidest creatures ever to draw breath.

See page 54 of Da Roolz for the statline.


Weirdboy Staff

When a Weirdboy joins a mob of Feral Orks, the elder Weirdboyz present him with a staff with a shiny piece of metal on top of it. This acts as a conductor for the Waaagh!!! fizzing inside his head, helping him to direct it in positive ways like making heads explode as opposed to negative ways like making his own Boyz heads blow up.

See page 12 of Digganob for the statline.

Further details on Weirdboy staff can be found in the Weirdboyz section.


Huntin’ Stuffz



1 toof

Not the most deadly of weapons on Angelis, but it’ll stop a squig in its tracks from a considerable distance, if the damn thing will just hold still…

See page 55 of Da Roolz for the statline.


1 toof

Cunning Feral Ork engineers have devised a bow that stays pulled back even if you forget that you’re holding it, cutting finger loss in a mob by over 30%.


See page 55 of Da Roolz for the statline.



1 toof

Given the number of legs a squig can have, several bolas might be needed to bring a big one down. Funnily enough, it only takes one bola to bring down even a full grown Ork if its big enough and thrown hard enough.


See page 59 of Da Roolz for the statline.


2 teef

A simple thong made of leathery squig hide allows a Feral Ork to chuck rocks with greater strength and precision. Of course the squigs aren’t always happy about Orks trying to harvest their leather.

Short Range

Long Range

To hit Short

To hit Long


Save mod.


Ammo Roll








Special Rules. If the warrior doesn’t move he may fire twice at short range.



3 teef

Discovered when an Ork threw a bent piece of metal at a squig and missed. To his immense surprise the piece of metal came back, smacking him in the head as it did so. Before long, everyone was trying it, with mixed results. Feral Ork boomerangs can’t be thrown by anyone else as its the Waaagh!! that really gives them their returning property. They don’t always come back when thrown by Feral Orks either. Usually because they’re stuck in something’s ribcage.

Short Range

Long Range

To hit Short

To hit Long


Save mod.


Ammo Roll

User Strength x3





Special Rules. May be used while running.




1 toof

Feral Orks don’t have anything as clever as a fabricated shield. These are usually panels or airlock doors they find strewn around the Skid.

See page 59 of Da Roolz for the statline.

Boss Gear


Big Hamma

3 teef

A fearsome weapon of such tremendous weight that only a Brute can carry one – when this weapon descends at speed, whatever it hits stays down. Essentially a small boulder on the end of a handle of some sort, a Big Hamma is incredibly clumsy, but terrifyingly dangerous too.

Short Range

Long Range

To hit Short

To hit Long


Save mod.


Ammo Roll



AU +3




Special Rules. Loses draws. Fumbles count double. Two-handed. Reduces wielder’s Movement by 1".


Iron Hide

5 teef

After beating a mob, Feral Orks shred vehicles as trophies and cobble the leftovers into armour. Although it still looks like bit of trukk wrapped round an Ork it’s much tougher that the armour of even a successful Nob. Only a Brute has the strength to wear such a "garment" and still fight and even he will be slowed by it.

Iron Hide confers a 4+ armour save and reduces the wearer’s Movement by 1". It also halves their Initiative, rounding up.

Big Game Huntin’


Spika Kannon

9 teef

Feral Ork are rather primitive and are gearing up for battle with much gusto. Their ideas are simple and their technology is nothing more than sticks and stones, but they still try their hand to fight the good fight. The Spike Kannon exists in many ways, shapes and forms and unsurprisingly, with varying results. Some stones will be too big to throw and it will crumple slightly, other spikes might get lodged in the splinters of a badly made blowpipe.

To represent the inconsistent and unreliable design of the Spika Kannon, rolling a sustained fire dice suggests it never shoots the same way twice; sometimes hurtling two or three bitz at the enemy, sometimes only one, and sometimes things just go horribly horribly wrong.

Short Range

Long Range

To hit Short

To hit Long


Save mod.


Ammo Roll









1 Sust. Fire Dice


13 teef

Relatively crude, the brightest of Weirdboyz have managed to cobble together something resembling the Splattapault and stuck it on the back of a mighty squiggoth. Although, it could be argued by an outside observer that the Gretchin Revolutionary Kommittee quite likes the idea of Orks that are willing to take direction from "runty Weirdboyz" and might have left a few lying around as a way of eliminating the Mektown Orks.

See page 38 of Digganob for the statline.

Special Rules. Cannot be fired if the Squiggoth thrusted.

Uvver Stuff


Squiggly Sausages

1 toof

A delicious treat of squigmeat, Wildboyz can use these single-use items to add to their leadership score when attempting to bring their squig back from runnin’ wild. There is no limit to the number that may be used in a turn but they must be assigned to a specific Ork and cannot be transferred during a game.

Rock Chuckin’

Feral Orks don’t have access to anything as advanced as grenades, but they do have some thrown weapons, namely rocks. More intelligent Orks favour nice shiny weapons, but Fickies are rather primal and enjoy pelting things with stones.

Fickies may hurl rocks at a target instead of firing a weapon, inflicting a S2 hit. Multiple Fickies may combine forces to create a much more effective attack. Each additional Fickie adds +1 to the Strength of the attack.

  1. Nominate a large target (Vehicles, Fort Gates, etc..). Small targets cannot be targeted.
  2. Determine whether the Fickies are working together or throwing individually.
  3. Measure range from furthest away Fickie.
  4. Roll an Artillery Dice and halve the result. A Misfire result means no rocks hit their target.
  5. If the result is the same or greater than the range to the target then a successful hit is scored.

Example: Five Fickies throw rocks at a fort gate. They can either inflict five S2 hits, or combine them to create a single S6 hit. The range is measured as 4" to the gate. The player rolls the Artillery dice and gets a 10, giving a maximum range of 5". The gate is within range and so is hit.

In campaign games where experience points are earned for penetrating armour Rock Chuckin’ does not confer +5 experience for each Fickie hurling rocks. Instead a penetrating hit will give +1 experience to each Fickie involved in the attack being resolved.
