At long last Kromlech have released their Clanking Destroyer heads as a standalone set. better still, there’s two new ones!

ClankerHeads2Quite a few people asked about them when we showed them off in May last year and all we could say was “hopefully they’ll be available eventually”. Well the wait is over, get them here.

Cheers, Doc Kromlech.

Greetings fellow Gorkers (or Morkers)! It’s been a while since there has been anything proper released from those behind tUGS and we thought it was time to rectify that. Today marks the official announcement of the Feral Orkz faction in Gorkamorka, part of the Ere Be Stuff expansion pack! These primitive orks lack the flashy gunz and trukks of the Mektown Orks but what they don’t have there they back up in sheer size, numbers and ferocity! Riding into battle atop mighty squiggoths, these brutes are coming down from the Howling Hills to wreck havoc on those posh gitz in Mektown! And pulling the strings are the weedy little Weirdboyz, those freaky little warpheads who channel the raw will of Gork and Mork! So sharpen your stone choppas, put down your cave paints and get ready to get up close and personal with the Feral Orkz!

We’re beavering away at making the Feral Orks a fully functioning side, with weekly alpha tests being conducted and we are hopefully reaching the point of open beta in the near future (No promises though!). To whet your appetite for all thingz Feral, here’s the introductory paragraph explaining the origin of Feral Orks on Angelis.

When the Hulk came down on that fateful day, a lot of things changed. The Paleo-Team watched as they were sealed in by falling debris and sealing bulkheads. The Dust Rats scurried to ground as the sirens on the base sounded for full alert. And the observation team aboard the Eternal Vigilance clung on for dear life as they hurtled towards the ground. And aboard the hulk, the orks died in their millions. As the hulk finally ground itself to a halt, the dead ork bodies released a huge cloud of spores which flew up into the upper atmosphere along with all the radioactive materials, toxins and smoke. Some fell soon back to earth. Others flew on the gentle breezes until they touched down in the far reaches of the desert, never to properly propagate. And one cloud of spores was whipped through the air towards what would later be called the Howling Hills.

As the spores were windtossed, they bathed in the worst of the radiation and the intense heat Angelis’ twin suns. And something happened to the orky DNA residing within. Parts were changed, others destroyed entirely. If it weren’t for the fact that the spores had been designed by the Brain Boyz to grow as soon as they had adequate resources, these new orks would never have spawned.
To the casual observer, they would appear not that different. The squigs were larger, more ferocious. The fungus grew in the cooler mountain air to much larger proportions than they ever reached around Mektown. But looking a little closer would reveal something odd. This society had no Grotz. And the Orks were more muscled than average. Except for a few. Perhaps one in every 100 was weedy and small. But these little runts had such strange eyes. They glowed sometimes. And the orks never made any of their normal moves to find weaponry and vehicles.

A basic history has been established from records recovered and analysis. There was an ork who was really big and one who was really weird. The biggest ork couldn’t get any food because he was much bigger and slower than normal, so all the squigs ran away from him. The weird one couldn’t get any food because the squigs were bigger than him. But he could make them sit still if he concentrated really hard. So one day the weirdboy told the bigboy to stand behind him until he made a squig stand still. Then the bigboy would rush forward and rip the squigs head off while it gazed dopily at the weirdboy. And the partnership was forged. From that day, Bigboy and Weirdboy were best friends. And so the society was built around this concept. A Big Boy and a Werid Boy worked together to allow both to eat. And other orks pledged to fight for them in exchange for being allowed to share the food the two of them caught. With more boyz and some practice, the weirdboy could charm even larger squigs in place and the boyz would all pile on until it was dead. So the system flourished. Occassionally rather than kill a squig, the boyz would put it to work, either hauling food back to the camp or to ride around to find more food.

In actuality the Feral Ork version is even simpler and probably went something like this.
“Is’ ‘ungry too!”
“I makes squigz still. You make it go splat!”

This partnership is the entire idea behind the Feral Orks. Let us know what you think so far! More fluff and possibly even rules to follow soon!



(Background image by soylentgreen23 licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 2.0 license)

27 Apr 2011

Gorkamorka in the MD/DC/VA area (US)

Filed under: News

Over on DakkaDakka deathwing is looking to start a GoMo campaign and extends an invitation to you all.

Greetings all. I have gotten bit by the Gorkamorka bug as of late and I was thinking it might be fun to start a campaign of like-minded folks who live in the above region. I think most people would be willing to drive a half an hour or so for a good game, so I am keeping the region fairly large. I am located in Greenbelt, MD, near College Park, and would love to meet local players, but again I have no problem with a little bit of driving.

I am looking to have games played at folks houses, mine included, and independent games stores. GW’s of late have been cracking down on independent models in their stores, so I don’t think they would tolerate Kromlech items, etc. I was thinking we could start some time in May. Any takers?
-Joey McGuire

He’s also looking for anyone interested in Nuclear Renaissance, Strange Aeons, or any Ganesha games.

If you’re interested, here’s the forum thread:

Looking to start Gorkamorka in MD/DC/VA area!

It’s been some time since we had a look at what sort of stuff is available and useful for Gorkamorka. Sure, we mentioned Ramshackle Games a few days ago, but MaxMini and Kromlech have certainly been busy too!

We’ve gone through and picked out the things we could find that have recently been released and are relevant. There’s plenty of other stuff that’s been released, but these were the things we felt were most appropriate.

Kromlech have continued work on their Orc War II theme, producing some more heads: helmy2

They’re Orc Veterans in helmets and can be had here, we assume they’re be on the MaxMini store eventually. They’ve also done some nice backpacks to accessorise your boyz, but our favourites are the new legs – running legs!


Static legs do get a bit boring, don’t they? Speaking of legs, Dok Kromlech has a few more bitz your injured boyz might like:


Leg replacements and some rather meaty power klaws. Not bad at all!

Recently both Kromlech and MaxMini have released some melee weapons that we think would suit Muties to a T. There’s some cool MaxMini steampunk axes and swords:


Then there’s the Stygian two-handed weapons (on the left) and the Khopesh vibro glaives:


The Stygian ones are only available on the Kromlech eBay shop at the moment, but they are available.

Finally on the Mutie front there’s these two:


The swords on the left are Post-apocalyptic Rippers while those on the right are Khopesh vibro swords.

Lastly MaxMini have been releasing some stuff that would be perfect for any Imperial Guard stuff, but also would look great amongst a Dust Rat mob (although not on every model – that’d get a little too uniform).

commando_cast_2cor anzac

Commando heads – pretty good for Commanding Officers or Veterans, or just for Grunts that would want to give a bit of a professional look to.
ANZAC heads – I don’t know about you, but I would think that a hat like that would be ideal of those sunny days on an isolated rock of a planet like Angelis.

Combat Armour Torsos:


At last, a way to represent the armour available without looking very Imperial.

There you have it. Hopefully we haven’t missed anything.

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