24 Nov 2010

Gorkamorka unboxing video

Filed under: General

So, it’s nearly the end of 2010 and the chances of finding an unopened original Gorkamorka box set are virtually non-existent, right?

Well, yes, but skarnir found one, and even filmed the unboxing of it for your enjoyment:

So, that’s what those of you who got their mitts on it back in the day saw; there’s not really that much else to say, it’s just pretty fantastic.

imperialeagle Rabtar has been in touch on the Waaagh and requested a complete PDF of the current iteration of the rules for the Dust Rats. This seemed pretty reasonable to us, so Flamekebab was shackled to a copy of MS Word 2007 (too many tables to do it in Scribus right now, don’t ask). Several hours later and a louder tirade of obscenities than usual, the following PDF emerged.

Download PDF


As before, feedback on the rules can go in the comments, or over on the relevant topic on The Waaagh.

If you’d like to different components and Tagz, there’s links to them all here.

This document was written by Benjamin Fox, Ross Graham, and Matt McPherson . It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license.

20 Nov 2010

The Wall returns!

Filed under: News

It’s taken a month and a half but we’re pleased to announce that The Wall is back up and running. Sorry about the issues there, it seems we forgot to put a suitable meta tag in its template, breaking things when we upgraded to WordPress 3.0 a while back, or at least that’s our best bet.

Shorter version: The Wall is back, head over there and post a comment!

19 Nov 2010

Painted kit-bashed Mutie

Filed under: Modelling

Remember Flamekebab’s Seekers of Slaanesh kitbash article last month? Well, between him and Midnight they’ve finally got a painted Mutie:


There are a few additions to the model, like the Space Marine scope (which dates back to 1998, a gift from Laurence K, back in the old country!) and a few accessories from some Space Marine Scouts. The goggles are made from green stuff.seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-3

You might have noticed the rock beneath the mount’s right foot is unpainted, well the model isn’t finished yet – it’s going to be based at some point for the sake of stability, but there hasn’t been time yet. More photos:

seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-7 seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-2 seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-1 seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-5

Comments? Questions?seekers-of-slaanesh-mutie-kitbash-4

16 Nov 2010

Da Mork Mobile

Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios

da-mork-mobile It’s been a while since we last posted anything, but after the amount of work we put in last month we felt it best to catch up on real life things, remind loved ones that we were still alive, and possibly show up for work to keep roofs over our heads!

Today we give you “Da Mork Mobile” written by James Griffiths, a scenario that probably would have made it into the second issue of Gorkamorka Gubbinz, if there had ever been another. It comes from Citadel Journal 34, from November 1999, making it eleven years old this month, and as far as we’re aware has so far not been posted online anywhere.

Download PDF