19 Apr 2011
Filed under: Modelling
While the Snorta mobs article gets a lot of hits we’ve never seen any evidence of anyone actually putting together a mob of them. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist of course, but now we know for sure they’re out there!
Burnface over at The Waaagh has just posted some shots of a Snorta mob from a campaign he’s involved in. They’re not finished yet, but here’s a preview:

Are they the first in the world? You tell us!
Apparently the campaign in Saskatchewan is going very well, so much so that they might have a campaign restart to accommodate new players. Keep us posted, guys.
By the way – Ramshackle Games have produced “Orc Dungeon Riders”. They might be a bit small compared to modern scale 40K Orks, but they’re probably worth a look:

Alternatively there are plenty of boar models available from Games Workshop in their Warhammer Fantasy line, particularly with the release of the Savage Orc Boar Boyz recently.
21 Mar 2011
Filed under: Modelling
sho3box has pointed out something quite interesting – there’s now a figure available that is ideal as Da Krusher. Ramshackle Games’ Gorillagon, sculpted by Electromancer.
There’s been plenty of other attempts at creating a model for Da Krusher, as no official one was ever produced, but this is the first affordable turn-key solution (the model costs £2.50!).
Anyway, sho3box has painted it up nicely and written a post about it to boot:
Da Krusher – Forty Shades of Green
18 Mar 2011
Filed under: News
Hi all
We here at tUGS noticed on a few online communities that you all seem to appreciate our site (and rightly so!), but we found that some seem to think that our content is only Games Workshop articles. So as to avoid confusion, let it be noted that not all the content on the site is Games Workshop produced.
We try to publish scenarios for others like Citadel Journal used to, especially those that those that are not easy to find and out of print. Not everything in Citadel Journal and Gubbinz was written by Games Workshop though. In fact they were outlets for Games Workshop to publish fan written submissions, just like we’re doing now (however, as you all (should) know, we also write our own content, some of the Orktober stuff being our pride and joy). Seeing as publications for specialist games are dwindling and still no sign of a second issue of Gubbinz years along the line (we’re not holding out hope!), we like to consider tUGS the spiritual successors to Citadel Journal and Gubbinz, so if you’ve written something, just let us know!
Also note that when you’re posting links, it might be easier instead of linking to the scenarios category pages, if you link straight to our downloads page which has just been updated for your convenience (Aren’t we helpful?).
7 Mar 2011
Filed under: Experimental, Scenarios

Have you seen Mad Max 2?
If you haven’t, stop reading this and go watch it.
Right, now you’re up to speed with the rest of us who love Gorkamorka. There’s a third film too, if you’re interested. There might even be more on their way, if they ever get out of development hell!
This scenario is based on part of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, in which a tanker full of oil must be escorted away from a gang of fuel-hungry nutters. It’s a pretty solid premise for a GoMo scenario and so back in March 2000 this article was published in Citadel Journal 36, written by Peter Hurrell.
Download PDF
Like the picture? It’s done by Australian artist Wayne Dowsent. You can find his site here where you can get prints of it and all the other good stuff he’s done.
26 Feb 2011
Filed under: News
Hello everyone, you might be concerned about the lack of updates to the site but don’t worry, we’re not dead!
The guys are pretty busy with life, but there’s GoMo related stuff happening too. Our other faction are being playtested regularly and getting closer to unveiling, for a start, which is keeping Skippy and Flamekebab busy. Depiff is working on several different articles, one of which Clayton is working on some rather awesome artwork for. The rest of us are beavering away at our own stuff, but life is getting in the way more than usual.
We’ll be releasing stuff as soon as we can.