seekers-of-slaaneshBuilding Muties is now surprisingly easy and at last, cheap. Back in August Games Workshop released their new plastic Seekers of Slaanesh which paved the way for this kitbash.

The riders in the kit are fine from the waist down, but above that they get a little, uh, odd. To deal with this issue I got hold of some Kroot parts from Bits And Kits (you could buy the boxed set, but if you just want a few as I did, this is significantly cheaper) – torsos, rifles, and a few accessories and heads.

I feel a little condescending putting this tutorial together as it’s incredibly easy, but I’ve not seen anyone else write anything up, so here goes!

Required parts:

  • -Seekers of Slaanesh steed
  • -Seekers of Slaanesh rider body
  • -Kroot torso
  • -Kroot rifle arms

componentsThen there’s the head. This is really personal preference and there are so many options, I’ve seen zombie heads, human heads, mutated heads, and a number of others. If you don’t have one that is perfect, you can always use some green stuff (kneadatite) to create a hood like the one CauCaSus made.


Step one: Assemble the mount

mountPick one of the mounts, they’re all slightly different, assemble it as normal. If you plan on adding reins, don’t attach the spikes/horns on the head. I was originally going to add some using green stuff but Midnight informed me that Native Americans rode without them and it’s quite feasible for a skilled horseman – seems appropriate for the Muties, especially to keep their hands free to fight!

As you can see, the mount itself is about the same height as a normal (based) Ork.


Step two: Cut the body to fit

The rider’s body should be cut around the waist, near the thickest part – a knife or razor saw will do the job in seconds. Next is the Kroot torso – you can use it as it is, but when I blu-tacked it together it looked a little oddly proportioned next to a human model. Cut between the chest/belly panels and trim the edges to be relatively rounded.

seeker-body kroot-torso

A bit of trimming work is required to get the two to fit evenly but it shouldn’t take long. The two can then be glued together, although you should test them on the mount first as the torso extends out a little and will clip the saddle if you’re not careful.



Step three: Preparing the rifle

The Kroot rifle is pretty awesome, but the blades seem a bit much to me. I snipped off the front blade and rounded the back one into a stock instead. You could modify or replace the weapon, of course, but that’s up to you.

kroot-rifle trimmed-rifle

Glue the arms on and you’re nearly there:minus-head


Step four: Choose a head

This step gave me a bit of trouble as I’ve got so many different ones lying around. The Tau were released recently relative to how long I’ve been in the hobby so I don’t really recognise their heads and so I considered just using the Kroot head, but that seems wrong given the rest of the top half is Kroot.

I have a few heads from MaxMini’s mutation pack, but after trying them out I think I’m going to save them until a head replacement is required from visiting Da Green Pitz.

two-faces photographing-resin-is-hard kroot-head

Eventually I decided to use one of the heads from the Seekers of Slaanesh set, one with a Mohican fringe thingy. As the head is a bit small I carved away some of the neck and shoulders of the torso and filled in the head socket with some scrap plastic.

head-on back

right left

In those photos you can see I’ve also added the horns to the steed’s head, having decided against reins earlier.

For those of you interested, here’s a comparison shot with an original Gorkamorka Mutie and this kitbash:mutie-comparisonPride compels me to add that I didn’t paint the Mutie pictured, that’s what it was like when I got it from eBay. Truthfulness reminds me that the old Muties I painted long ago are not any better…

Closing comments

This kitbash is very simple but should serve as a decent basis for more complex conversions. If I put together a whole mob like this I’ll be adding different features – saddle bags, different weaponry, robes, etc..

Once this model gets painted up, I’ll probably post photos. For now it’s on the backburner whilst I finish up some Dust Rat vehicles, but it could be fun to paint, so I’m rather looking forward to it!

…and with that, Mutie Week draws to a close. Next week is User Contribution Week!

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green-pitz-illustrationWe hope you’re having a good Orktober so far, we certainly are. Here’s the scenario we mentioned at the start of the week and as it happens, this is our 100th post on the site, huzzah!

Mutie captives have pretty dismal prospects as it is, but the existence of the sacrificial pools is something few ever hear of, dead men tell no tales, after all…

Matt has written a scenario to play should one of your mob members be unlucky enough to be captured by Muties. No longer is there only Convoy as you can at last take the fight to the Muties.

This scenario is also the first to be released by us that contains Notmobz – NPC characters that operate independently of both players. It’s just a simple one here, but we’ve got bigger things in store in future.

We’re assuming you know how rescue scenarios work, if not, see pages 100 and 101 of Da Uvver Book, but you don’t need us to tell you that, do you?

Download PDF


These rules and artwork are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license. The rules were written by Matt McPherson, the artwork created by Clayton Tait and the layout graphics were created by Ben Fox.

(Photo by quinn.anya licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike)

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In order to fight at your most effective for our goals, you must be swift. You must be strong. You must be more cunning. You must adapt faster than the Greenflesh. It is time, youngling. Step forward and be anointed…

Ta-Da!! They’re finally finished folks. Presented for the first time in their completed state with beautiful hand-drawn artwork by our good friend Clayton Tait, Da Green Pitz offers you the chance to keep your Muties fresh and ready to fight at a moments notice rather than being a barely held together lump of flesh, gripping the reigns of his brutalised mount in his scorched fingers.

Download Da Green Pitz – Healing Rules for Mutie Raiders PDF


When Eternal Vigilance plummeted through the atmosphere and the poor souls inside the fragmenting ship clung on for dear life, containment breaches of the reactor cores and waste tanks happened, mixing into the ruptured water supply.  As the ship finally struck the desert , the toxic sludge poured to the lowest point, one of the cargo bays, saturating the ship as it went. Everyone was affected. More than a few attempted to enact containment protocols to cleanse the ship but it was too late. The mix was already working it’s way into the strands of DNA, replacing base pairs and grafting in new sections with reckless abandon. Thousands died as their cells forgot how to take in oxygen or to send impulses to keep their hearts beating.

As time passed, some seemed largely unaffected. They buried the dead and decided what would be done. They would do what they had been trained to do, in the name of their Emperor and for his glory. A reconnaissance group was sent to watch over the Base, across the blistering desert. They would do their best to complete their mission and make ready for their comrades. They would attempt to rebuild a way home.

Hundreds of years passed as the Muties whiled away the decades, still bathed in radiation from the sky and the contaminated water nearby. They bred to survive the ages but in the presence of the ooze, the children became even more deformed. But to kill them would damn the mission and their comrades. No matter how freakish or terrifying, they would endure this indignity and be made whole again for their efforts. When the quarantine lifted on the field base, they approached eagerly with information which was met with fear and gunfire. Hurt, angry and despondent, they stopped being the survivors of a horrific crash that day. They became the Muties who embraced the ooze which had never abandoned them, hurt them or let them down. Within it was the wisdom of Magod and with his help, they would return to the glory of their ancestors, to once more flit amongst the stars as gods are meant to.

This document was written by Matt McPherson and contains artwork created by Clayton Tait. It’s licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license.

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‘Ello folks. We’ve been a bit quiet on the Mutie front as of late but I think we have finally hammered down all the niggles and concerns I had for the Muties healing rules. This week is all about the Muties as they ride in, burn your fungus crops and hear the lamentations of your grotz.

Continuing on the theme of our hot off the press Tagz which in the basic set are primarily geared to be achievable by anyone, regardless of the mob that they play as, this set is purely Mutie based, taking into account their unique skill tables, their largely unrealised potential for fear and terror mechanics and several new features that while you’ve seen and heard of being developed, are about to be released for the first time ever to the general public.




Basic Mutie Tagz Pack – A4 PDF

Basic Mutie Tagz Pack – US Letter PDF

Basic Mutie Tagz raw image (PNG)

Some of these as this week begins are not immediately achieveable or take an extreme amount of effort or luck to get. By the end of the week, these should all be within the grasp of a mid-level mob.

I’m kind of excited by this week as I’m the only Mutie player in our little venture so to see my favourite little buggers get some fresh treatment is really exciting.

This week starts off with our Tagz pack, moves to patching up your injured Muties with the 2nd Open Beta of Da Green Pitz, adds a scenario to help give the Muties a unique feel and if we’re really really lucky, rounds off with a true resurrection as Flamekebab kitbashes out some new Muties from modern parts. How awesome is that?

Stay Green kids. 🙂

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3 Oct 2010

Technical issues with The Wall

Filed under: News

Just a quick heads-up, guys. We’re not entirely sure why but WordPress seems to be having a few issues with comments on pages. This won’t affect most of you, but it does seem to mean that the Wall isn’t showing comments. If it’s working alright for you, fantastic, but at our end it looks like the whole comment section is missing.

Rest assured, comments are working, they’re just currently not visible. Hopefully a solution will be forthcoming, but for now, sorry!