barrelsWe’ve nearly reached the end of Tim Cammack’s Orky odyssey, but there’s certainly no dip in quality.

This scenario bears a few similarities to the mall part of Left 4 Dead 2’s “Dead Center” campaign, although given that this was first published in Citadel Journal 29 (in 1998) it’s probably safe to say that it’s coincidental!

One of the Mobs have run out of Squig Juice and will have no fuel for their vehicles until they can get back to their fort with the new supply they have just bought in town (Orks are so stupid that they will often run out of fuel before they realise that they are low!). The other Mob has just heard this news from a sneaky Grot informer and is seizing the opportunity to attack, attempting to bash their enemies and nick all their fuel.

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(image by Cleary Ambiguous licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license)

11 May 2010

Orc War II heads

Filed under: Modelling

orcheadscolor One of the other things Kromlech sent us was a complete set of the first Orc War II heads. These are already available on the MaxMini Store, so you might have seen them already. We hadn’t and think they’re pretty awesome.

They were sculpted by John Connor and would fit in perfectly with any Ork mob, although they’d make great Gorkers or Morkers we reckon.

Below is a photo of what they look like unpainted to give you an idea of what they look like when you receive them. Other than that there’s not much to say. Awesomely Orky heads, available now, reasonably priced. Enjoy!


monowheel-frontWe gave you a teaser on Monday that we’d received a package, the time has come to reveal the contents, all of which are courtesy of the awesome folks at Kromlech. The first special thing is a pre-release copy of the gyro-stabilised monowheel sculpted by Hamster_52 which fits a modern Ork/Orc torso perfectly and looks fantastic.

In our GoMo campaign we’ve already had one lad who has got one of these, but up until now we’ve had nothing to model it. This one is shortly going to be grafted to a lucky Ork freeboota known as Carudders, the old Kaptain of Da Cuttas Ov Da Jibb.

They’re not available on the MaxMini store yet, but when they are there’ll be a link here.

monowheel-left monowheel-right

UPDATE – The finished version of these rules has been released.

mutie-raidersWith the cessation of exams there has finally been enough time for Matt to finish a set of rules we have been using for a while for healing Muties.

Muties have had a lot left out for what was supposed to be an extensive expansion of the game, one of which was the "Dok’s Serjery" table. No Mutie healing rules exist and the books explicity states that Doks never work on Muties.

Given the huge cost of individual Muties, rebuilding even one lost warrior can take many games. So to aid the healing process, I present for your consideration, the bounty of the Cognoscenti: The Green Pits of Magod!

-Matt McPherson

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These rules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license.

9 May 2010

Special delivery!

Filed under: News

We received a package this morning. Don’t you wonder what could possibly be inside?
